How typical of you...
Laughing at retarded people...
What's next ?

Oh come on you pussy, he's clearly not handicaped. He's just utterly stupid. What, we can't laugh at stupid people too now? I've seen too many people who are just stupid like this to believe there's actual handicap involved.
It seems pretty clear to me that this guy would be classed as Learning Disabled, which last I checked is a handicap. Having said that, its pretty obvious he's having fun if you watch his facial expressions (in his other videos) when he puts on the "big" voice and makes announcements. Laughing with him in my book is fine, laughing AT him for being less fortunate than yourself is a 100% dick move.
It seems pretty clear to me that this guy would be classed as Learning Disabled, which last I checked is a handicap. Having said that, its pretty obvious he's having fun if you watch his facial expressions (in his other videos) when he puts on the "big" voice and makes announcements. Laughing with him in my book is fine, laughing AT him for being less fortunate than yourself is a 100% dick move.

Yeah learning disabled, about 10 years ago and hundreds of years before we called that ,,stupid,, now we find about 30 wacky names for same damn thing to make shrinks richer and richer and avoid our kid being called ,,stupid,, but instead ,,X disabled,, or ,,X disorder,, at all cost.
Not to downtalk people who really suffer from real stuff that some people tend making fun of like tourettes and ADHD. Stupid is stupid and in fact i know at least two persons that rock on grade-wise as university students, but tend to act stupid almost as much as that video guy, if not worse. Are they also ,,learning disabled,,?
Educate yourself, please

Say anything you like, its still a dick move to laugh at someone less fortunate than yourself. Is it REALLY that difficult to be a nice person?
I'd hate to think how you'd treat a child if they were Learning Disabled. Its one thing if someone easily understands and deliberately makes bad choices. I'd be more inclined to call that stupid. Its not the same if someone does not understand easily and needs non-conventional methods of teaching in order to better grasp concepts. That is hardly laugh-worthy to me and only reflects on your own ignorance.
There aren't any justified reasons to be a dick. It doesn't make you look cool at all.
Educate yourself, please

Say anything you like, its still a dick move to laugh at someone less fortunate than yourself. Is it REALLY that difficult to be a nice person?
I'd hate to think how you'd treat a child if they were Learning Disabled. Its one thing if someone easily understands and deliberately makes bad choices. I'd be more inclined to call that stupid. Its not the same if someone does not understand easily and needs non-conventional methods of teaching in order to better grasp concepts. That is hardly laugh-worthy to me and only reflects on your own ignorance.
There aren't any justified reasons to be a dick. It doesn't make you look cool at all.

Educate yourself, please

Say anything you like, its still a dick move to laugh at someone less fortunate than yourself. Is it REALLY that difficult to be a nice person?
I'd hate to think how you'd treat a child if they were Learning Disabled. Its one thing if someone easily understands and deliberately makes bad choices. I'd be more inclined to call that stupid. Its not the same if someone does not understand easily and needs non-conventional methods of teaching in order to better grasp concepts. That is hardly laugh-worthy to me and only reflects on your own ignorance.
There aren't any justified reasons to be a dick. It doesn't make you look cool at all.

i am sorry, but the video is funny i am not trying to be a dick by posting "HEY GUYS WATCH THIS RETARD"

why are you getting so upset?
Educate yourself, please

Say anything you like, its still a dick move to laugh at someone less fortunate than yourself. Is it REALLY that difficult to be a nice person?
I'd hate to think how you'd treat a child if they were Learning Disabled. Its one thing if someone easily understands and deliberately makes bad choices. I'd be more inclined to call that stupid. Its not the same if someone does not understand easily and needs non-conventional methods of teaching in order to better grasp concepts. That is hardly laugh-worthy to me and only reflects on your own ignorance.
There aren't any justified reasons to be a dick. It doesn't make you look cool at all.

Ah the good old wikipedia, making everyone look smartass in arguments since 2001.
You base your assumptions and anger at me around the fact that you are sure he is handicaped. I base my own around statement that hes not. Funny how shrinks brainwash society. Someone who not so long ago was stupid(and stupidity is ought to be laughed at in my book) was classified as that. Now you throw some wikipedia links(because wikipedia is always right nowdays) and pretend you care to soothe your consciousness.
To think about it, I made assumption that he's just stupid, not retarded. If I am right then your assumption that he's retarded would hurt person more than mine assumption that he just acts stupid over there, just think about it.
Ah i forgot it's the good old self-righteousness that tells you and makes you tell others about what they should laugh at and what they should not. Again I don't need fancy wikipedia links because im pretty much interested in the subject myself. What I know is that stupid people really exist and alot of them get etiquetted as ,,retarded,, and suddenly can't be laughed at. What about those people I know and all the rest that I don't who act like retards, just because they're stupid(and IQ as academic potential has nothing to do here) yet they do well in their lives(grades,jobs, etc) and happen to look better than this guy? They are not fortunate enough to be labelled so they won't be laughed at?

To me the video guy presents no features of handicap. Just because he doesn't look too well and acts stupid for the interweb it doesn't make him handicapped. If you think otherwise, then well, we all might be retards aswell, or at least most of us.

About being the nice person. When someone acts stupid when I'm around I just ignore it, usually got more important things to think about. But when someone puts that stuff on the web he begs for it.

Oh and:

And before you quote the one particular part I'm waiting you to quote - you assume, based on a 2 minute random youtube video that guy's mental age is under 10. What the video guy would be more upset about, me just telling him he acted stupid over there or you being grave sure his mental age is 2 to 3?
I'm not particularily blaming ryan for posting this vid, but there are some a bit distasteful comments in this thread, did not want
Hold on,

I always laugh at the retards that post on this forum.

does that make me a bad person?

Wait, you imply that everyone that writes here is a retard. That makes you a bad person.

Yeah I get the message, you disagree with what I wrote, but all you are able to throw at me is some low web-type insult, while i actually bothered to explain my statement and point of view. Just out of curiosity, are you christian by any chance too?