There are scientific studies that have proven an immediate link between certain types of learning disability and its effects on a person's physical appearance. I see no need to argue against the fact, unless you honestly are totally unaware.
The subject hits home for me, not because I'm interested in pretending to be morally superior, but because I've watched family members grow up and struggle because of a learning disability.
No amount of word finesse will change the fact that it is in poor taste to laugh at those who are less fortunate than yourself. My stance has not changed and I cant fathom how or why someone would WANT to change that stance. That in itself is a dick move, as well.
Are you seriously going to cop out with the age old "come on mom, everybody else is doing it".
Feel free to stand in line to jump off the bridge if that's your thing. Its not mine, though, nor will it be.
I'm not saying that I don't laugh at misfortune in movies and television shows, etc... That sort of humor helps us to realize things could be worse and to appreciate life as is.
Are you seriously going to cop out with the age old "come on mom, everybody else is doing it".
Feel free to stand in line to jump off the bridge if that's your thing. Its not mine, though, nor will it be.
I'm not saying that I don't laugh at misfortune in movies and television shows, etc... That sort of humor helps us to realize things could be worse and to appreciate life as is.

Was it kinda funny? Yeah, a little. I didn't think it was sad; it's just a guy with some sort of developmental disability that seems to be pretty passionate about weather. The saddest thing in this thread was the ignorant comments by Limak. It is quite obvious from viewing the video that this guy has some sort of disability. Choosing to act stupid and being born without the ability to change it because your brain is fucked up in some way are not the same thing. You honestly know 2 people that act like that guy does? Well they probably have some sort of developmental disability. I cannot think of any honest reason why someone would want to act like that. These people act like this because they are not able to act "normal."

My sister has down syndrome, so I grew up with this crap my whole life, people making fun of her and thinking she was not suitable to put in a class with normal students. She graduated from high school (taking all regular classes) and is working on a 2 year college degree in culinary arts. Many developmentally disabled people are very smart and able to eventually become independent; it just takes them a longer time to do some things and you have to be extremely patient with them.
Wait, you imply that everyone that writes here is a retard. That makes you a bad person.

Yeah I get the message, you disagree with what I wrote, but all you are able to throw at me is some low web-type insult, while i actually bothered to explain my statement and point of view. Just out of curiosity, are you christian by any chance too?

nah man,

not directed at yourself, just an off-hand remark to lighten the mood a little :)

anyway, the guy in the video is clearly having a great time making videos and keeping it real, whether he is disabled or not is another issue.

he had fun making the video and it brought a hearty giggle to some people too.

Respec for the earthquake kid :kickass::kickass::kickass: