Eagle has Landed 3 - comments please

I just did return from my CD-store on Devils Day 6-6-6 , and there the Eagle-has Landed- 3-Baby was already there waiting for me, gonna listen now!! So exciting!!!!

My comment: WOW!!! Fantastic, superb!!! What a good feeling this double live CD gives to me.. The first CD brings me back in The Eagle has Landed part 1- atmosphere, thats why I am glad with that same kind of drum sound, I like that raw, real authentic sound, very glad with that.. Its nice to hear Fritz Randow on a few songs on this CD1 and on CD 2 also a couple

You know I myself are one of the old-school Saxon generation ..and what is so great about the disc 2 is, that it is so heavy! So much power and energy..recorded cristal clear (the later , that clear-sound,a big difference to EHL 2) Nibbs bassing is so great on Warrior an that peace from unleash the Beast (the middle solo is left out, maybe another time the whole song? The last part what a splendid guitar sound from Doug Scarret, ) And thx also Joerg Michael for his drumming on the Lionheart stuff, very good work mate!

Searching for Atlantis and english man on war and to live by the sword so good! Hope Saxons new albums will be full of that kind and not to forget man and machine WOW!

Saxon thx for this splendid peace of work..a must in a collection! A more detailed comment will follow..

On a scale from 0-10 I give it an 8,5..... You know I dont give that hight degrees every day!
i think the album is fantastic and i have no problem with the drum sound, it gives it a nice raw feel.
however i am dissapointed with searching for atlantis and broken heroes starts really well but gets a bit lost at the end.
still it is amazing, worth every penny
An Excellent third chapter, Lots of energy!!! Proud to have it in my collection!
Highlight of the album for me on the The eagle has landed 111 has to be stallions of the highway, saxon nail this song right on the head this is a song i wouldent mind em playing at every saxon concert and the track Lionheart.

Yep the album is raw and honest, The only track i would have changed on the album would be to take out broken heroes a good song but a better one for me would have been The thin red line overall a feckin good album, cant wait for the dvd
I love the lionheart material on cd2. my favorite song is to live by the sword which breaks into unleash the beast and then back to live by the sword again. Cd1 is great because the song selection isnt the standard classic songs you would expect such as Strong Arm, princess, Dallas, Denim ETC.

Its really cool they picked a lot of songs lesser known to casual fans like warrior, redline, to hell and back again. I too have no problem with the production, its a live Cd and i would rather have it raw then overly polished.

As for the states its a huge bargain as i only payed $12.88 at my record store!!!!!!!!!!:rock:
it just rocks!!!! they got the gift of playing live... they are just amazing.... even from the cd... can't wait to see them next april in athens greece!!!!
Saxon is saxon and the Golden Eagle has landed, but the things what these buddys do is something from the outherworld... Greetings from Finland...
As promised a more detailed opinion concerning Eagle has landed Part 3
I like the drive on the album, the good sound the energy, so I am very happy with these two baby-cd. I only can hope they put out much more of such albums,.. let volume 4 come very quick, with songs like Freeway-mad ( maybe with an american police-car on stage with that bleu lights making that noise it makes in the middle of that song, I see it already in my imagination on stage: Biff with such a light-system in the hands or on his head moving from the left to the right on stage..), or Taking your chances or , Empty Promises, I mean there are enough to make it to a volume 18 album if you ask me…Doug Scarret his solos are so good to me, he did put some extra’s to it compared to the original recordings. Thx ! Paul Quinn the same a good piece of guitarwork throughout the whole 2 hours and 22 minutes and 13 seconds of music. Fantastic! Nibbs idem dito, and of course Nigel Glockler who really brings back to me the Eagle has landed Part 1 feeling again on disc 1. The row authentic sound of the drumming is superb to me. Biff as always passionate and good! Its the very first Live-album from Saxon, where I didn’t miss Graham Oliver! Now the songs .. the reward after the song-name on a scale0-10

-This Town Rocks: 7,5. at 2 min 41 Biff sings something I’ve seen ‘the miss hers slippy’ instead of Missisipi (?) but I hear something in that voice like “What am I singing now, yeah man believe it or not, haha!” I don’t know for sure but even if I am wrong it makes me already laugh..yes you see I have a very vivid imagination and sometimes I hear things that are not there at all..haha! The same I have with the Wacken DVD: does Biff sing instead of Solid ball of rock something that goes “suck a fucking cock? Or on Rock’n roll gypsies “another woman to s(h)it on my face?(greatest hits cd) Instead of ‘another woman to sit on my face’. Could someone verify this, maybe English native speakers can give some clearness.. PaulQuinn solo sounds the same as on the studio album, thats so good of him..

-Backs to the wall: 7,7. Very nice guitarplaying from Paul Quinn. There is tempo in this song and drive.

-Red Line: 9,5. So content with this song , those licks or whatever its called in music terminolgy on 30 sec, 1 min 14 sec, 2 min 42 sec, 2min 48 sec 2 min 54 sec, very important in this song, and it sounds the same as on the studio version, and that solo from Paul Quinn 1min 53 sec – 2 min 30 sec cristal clear and identical to the studio album, how many guitarist are able to do that? To sound the same as on the orignal studio versions? Not many.. On this first CD Saxon sticks to the original- studio- albums-way of playing solos.. Especially the solos from Paul Quinn. That gives a secure familiair feeling to the ears..I like that alot! Where as Doug Scarret in my left ear creates in some solos, on almost ( so not every..) every song another extra to the studio-version sounds and that makes it even better, I think these 2 guitarists fit well to eachother…Paul the secure familiar solo sounds on my right ear (sometimes he gives some variation into his solo’s, I will tell later on, will give examples) and left-ear- Doug with his creative, alternative sounding solo’s- basics the same- without harming the original meaning and feeling from the original studio-albums.

- Stand-up to be Counted: 10,0 I always call this Saxon’s Glenn Miller song and after hearing it on this CD even more. Glenn Miller would have liked this song ..can’t be wrong. I think Glenn’s skelleton moved extemely in his sea-grave for pleasure, a place where a plane took him, a plane that went no-where. I hope one day a Glenn Miller tribute Orchestre will make a version from this Saxon song. Get some Andrew Sister like vocalistes and it will go mega.. really meant. Thx Saxon for this song ..And Doug ..very very fantastic solo, that’s how I wanne hear them.. This is what I mean with what I wrote in the Red Line comment, Dougs solo sounds different from the studio version, but it gives a good feeling and it doesnt spoil the original meaning of the song..at least on this album EHL Part 3 ( I’ve said before on this board that Heavymetal thunder original from SAOTL-album Graham gives me a better feeling than Dougs version on Heavymetal Thunder, so sometimes its not the case, but quite often it is the case) That’s pure class! Just my opinion, other may think different .. this is my view! Biff’s voice sounds ‘Geil’ on this song, he plays with his voice, very good! This song brings me back in the early Saxon –Days, the Old-Saxon School era.

- Never Surender: 9,5 On this song Paul Quinn gives something extra to the original solo, so he is able to do that, just like Doug does every time. It sounds self-assured, not always by the book..

- Frozen Rainbow : 9,0 Not a heavy song, but I love it. The best version I’ve ever heard from this song . And what can we be proud with Doug Ray Scarret! Love (t)his solo! Again different from the studio-version, but what the hack! It sounds great and the original meaning stays intact!

- Suzie Hold on : 8,7. Solo 2 min 53 sec- 3 min 33 it always gives me a dramatic-feeling, sad feeling, the tears nearly come, but that’s what the guitars must express in this song,..somebody is dying! That guitarpart brings me into higher atmosphere’s, I am always somewhere else in my mind hearing this tunes, not on this world anymore!

- Play It Loud: 9,6 ZZ-top-like intro ( Saxon is full of flavours, like that) The solo from Doug Scarret I repeated it hundreds times, its, amongst other solos from him, my favorite on this double CD 1min 43 sec- 2 min 25 sec. The same with that briljant ending solo 3 min 19 sec- 4 min 05 sec from Paul Quinn, in which Paul lays his creativity and soul, totally different from the studio-version and it sounds great…The further I listen to this CD it seems to me that Paul Quinn after all these years gets better and better (And he was already fantastic, can you imagine..), he is a bit like a good Chardonay. Gets better by the years. He sounds so self assured to me..in fact the band as a whole sounds self-assured to me, and self-assurance is a sign that someone is in good condition, and that someone doesn’t do everything always by the book..Sometimes a little bit of this and another time a little bit of that and.. sometimes the same thing.. in another way!

- Warrior: 7,5. Though I don’t like this song on the studio version…This song was a pleasant surprise to me in live version.. he bassing of Nibbs is so fantastic to me.. The sound from Biffs voice is very row, but that suits this song and I think it has a meaning.. His voice does remind me of Bruno Ganz’ interpretation of A.H. In de movie “Der Bunker” or in english title “The downfall” In fact a warrior too, wasn’t he?! Maybe a wink to the germans, Thats creative, that is freedom of art, I like that! Paul Quinn again with a variation in his guitar-solo from 2min.09 sec min 31 sec, to be quite precise at 2min 17 sec-2 min 20 sec.. it gives that extra to it, that makes it different and better to the original studio- album, my opinion..Well done!!

- See the light shining: 8,8. Very nice version . By far the best version ever on Live CD, by far better than on the greatest hits alive CD. Paul again with a splendid nice solo, it gives me chicken skinn , 4 min 25 sec- 4 min 44 sec..( 4 min 27 and 4 min 28 sec those 2 seconds there I am in heaven, he does something to my ears that is Saxon-finger-print! No other band gives me that feeling, no other guitarist can give that feeling to me, so hat is something! The outro –solo is inventive.. Inventive.. also a good factor judging that you are in good topfitt condition as a band! Biff sounds great on this song and in the end there he is joking again, with an old song or a new song..etc.. thats humor I like!

- To hell and back again: 8,0. One of my fav Saxon Songs, played in a fast way, Love it. The solo from Paul differs from the original, but the feeling is good. Maybe a suggestion for a volume 5 album(?) the same song again, but than slower ( The intro-solo more like 747-intro on the greatest hits alive CD)… more like the Stand up and be Counted-tempo and that Doug Scarret does the second part of that solo in to hell and back again??? Very content that this song is on a live CD Thx.

- Stallions Of the Highway 8,0. Briljant 11 sec- 16 sec that piece of guitar work is repeated during the song, it never bores me at all,..and the solos have so much extras compared to previous released live versions and studio album.

- Wheels Of Steel: 8,5 This song very often on a live CD.. And it never looses its power. Thanks to the variation in which its been played.. The same 5 people as on Eagle has landed part 2, but totally different , due to the creativity from Doug Scarret! THX!! Like the inner part where Biff speaks German eins zwei fuckin drei, Jawohl alles klar, Jawohl mein Kamaraden..(That is so funny ..he sounds like A.H.-kind of war leader/Fuehrer sweeping up the troops to give the best, at the show (= war?) hahaha! That’s artistic high level, artistic freedom, people who dont see, and don’t see through this kind of humor, do mis alot in my opinion, and maybe they can better immigrate to Dubai, haha!

- And the bands palyed on: 7,0 . Exactly the same as on the studio album, nice to hear that totally different ambiance compared to smaller audiences!

- Crusader: 8,0 Fantastic! Hearing the audience scream Crusader. Yes with bigger crowds ..you hear the interaction more on a CD, but in real what does it matter? Small clubs do give their own ways of interaction and feeling,..but nice to hear the difference. I like Biffs vocals where his voice goes high-up at 5 min 15 sec singing ‘crusadeeeeer’! and where Paul goes up with his guitar sound to support that, the outro of this song seems to be very difficult to handle, in this version by far the best..

The Second CD –review comes ASAP boys and girls, stay tuned!
As promissed the review of the second CD. Months ago I listened for the first time this second CD 1 hour 9minutes and 47 seconds without break.

1.Intro: The Return as on the studio album, nice opening tune..

2. Lionheart 8,5 what a great song! As on the studio album. Doug Scarret what a solo! And he even changes the solo, very creative, that means he is self assured .Nice the interaction between audiennce and band! Biff s voice sounds a bit like he’s having a cold in those days..but doesnt spoil it..its a song that stands! During the listening the recording sound reminds me of the Tokyo Tapes album from he Scorpions and than especially the Ulrich Roth kinda atmosphere.. Very nice . Nice that french language by Biff, fuck off talks about prenounciation! Its the content not the form that counts..

3 Man and Machine: 9,5 Paul’s solo sounds splendid! Biffs voice is strong and clear!

4 Beyond the grave: 7,5 On the studio album it was my less favorite track, but on this album it has moch more.

5. Searching for Atlantis: 8,5 At the release of the studio-album I already did like this track and it became my favorite on that album. And after hearing this it still is.Very nice percussion work from Georg Michael, in fact on all the songs on which he performs. One thing: Part 40 seconds til 1 min 04 sec and 3 min 50 sec til 4 min 6 sec the left box sound (Paul) could have been a bit louder/heavier and stronger .. Part 2.min 54 sec fantastic sound from Scarret and 3 min. 11 sec til 3 min 49 sec Paul Quin is very strong a highlight in this song! The outro could have been better, like on the studio album..it doesnt end, in fact there is no outro.. , BUT maybe thats with a reason..searching for Atlantis doesn’t stop too!

6. To Live By the Sword Part 1: 9,0 Very nice intro. Nice to hear it change into Unleash the beast.. Temp-number like it good lyrics

7. Unleash the Beast: 9,5 Superb, I love that Solo from Doug… I love Dokken music, and somewhere it reminds me of them, also with other solo-parts like on the solo on Travellers in Time (track 16) I only wished the whole song was on it.. but okay! Why not more songs from that album on this album?

8. To live by the sword part 2: 9,0: I expected the solo during the listening on this track, but its not there… I first thought, but the solo is at the end of the song in a kinda cutted way…creative!

9 Flying on the Edge 7,5 On the studio album I didnt give it more than a 6, but on this live album it has got so much more and its a good version

10 Jack Tars: 8 short song but good!

11 English man on war!: 10 Fantastic! Im interested in the history of those days and This song brings me there…In a time we Dutch VOC stole Britains Flag-ship, ghe,ghe. What bastards we Dutch are sometimes (haha!) Pauls solo is good. Paul did a good job during this recordings, in fact the whole band.. Who shouts at the end: at 3 min 38 sec til 3 min 40 sec”English men of war!”?????

12 Court of the crimson king; 7 not my favorite song, but Biff sings it in a believable way. I prefer this solo from paul more than on the studioalbum. In stead of this song …Sea of Life?

13 Broken Heroes: 9 Good version.. Nice guitar work by Scarret. As I stated before its the first time I didnt miss Graham Oliver anymore. Graham is of course still a good guitarist that I admire alot.. I will always remember him, the song on which he performed were jewels and will stay jewels..

14 Dragons Lair: 8 good clear sound again

15 Rock is our Life: 8,5 At 1 min 04 sec I hear a bomb going off (haha!) good atmosphere, Impressed. Good work Paul!
16 Travellers in Time A song from the Metalhead album..and very impressive, maybe for another live-album more from that album? All guns Blazing etc… the solo from Scarret reminds me of Dokken, and I love that..
17 Solid ball of rock : 9 at 2 min 46 sec after paul’s splendid guitar part my heart is captured by the guitar overtake-part from scarret . And thx Fritz Randow for the percussion, it sounds fantastic. At 3min 58sec.. I hear solid fucking cock? (Or is it my vivid imagination?)

Fantastic Peace of work Saxon!

Look forward to the DVD! Thx
I have only one problem wth eagle3 I would like the old and new songs spread over both cds rather than cd1 being mainly old and cd2 being mainly newer stuff.But besides that it facking rocks big time.:rock: