Ear Candling?

I have chronic sinus issues and every ENT I've spoken to has said the same thing...don't shove anything in your ear! You have wax for a reason, and unless you have some sort of ailment with your ears you should leave them alone.
not all holistic/alternative medicine is bullshit

most of it is, but there's a few gems here and there

All alternative medicine is.. if its proven to work, its not "alternative" anymore.
But sure, there are plants capable of relieving various health problems, but its far more effective and secure to consume it in concentrated form with the correct dosages.

Some people seems to have forgotten that most medicines are extracted from plants, and are stupid enough to think that the plant is "healthier" to consume(99,9% of the cases its the exact opposite.).
Consider for a moment why they're called 'alernative' or 'holistic' medicine instead of simply MEDICINE. It's because there is NO empirical evidence to support their claims. They simply cannot and have not passed the testing required. And believe it, they would if they could.....medicinal products are the GRAVY TRAIN to BILLIONS.
Turn on your BS detectors, and leave 'em on, it flies thick out there.
not all holistic/alternative medicine is bullshit

Yes it is.

Like Notuern said, when it passes the tests and proves that it does what it claims, it's Medicine. When it fails the tests, or never gets tested in the first place, it's Alternative Medicine. It's just a way for the dishonest and the self-deluded to make money by pretending to be doctors.

Brady k, candles have no suction power whatsoever. It makes no sense to say that the candles remove wax; they can't.
In our cases, yes - from what I understand, the procedure (called a myringotomy) is usually done to help kids who will develop speech impediments as a result of fucked hearing.

I actually had this when I was younger.

I was medically "deaf" until I was about 5 or 6, and had to get this surgery to drain the fluid - the Dr inserted a gromit (looks like a cotton wheel) into my ear drum where it stayed for 4 years.
Apparently when I left the hospital my speech became "normal" & I put my hands over my ears because it was almost like hearing for the first time.
Wow, that must have been scary, hearing for the first time when you've already been around 5 or 6 years. Your parents must have been excited :)
My girlfriend does ear candling at her message therapy clinic. She's in LA county near Raging Waters/LA Fairgrounds. If your interested, PM me and I'll get you 10% off. Also, if your back is sore from lifting those Marshall cabs, you could get a message thier as well (sorry, no "happy endings")
Wow, that must have been scary, hearing for the first time when you've already been around 5 or 6 years. Your parents must have been excited :)

Indeed - I can't remember much about it but I remember how loud everything was.
The next few years was becoming very good friends with blue-tac (for showers) and wearing swimming caps over that for pools. Was interesting, thats for sure :P

Folks were like :err:when I started doing music. Haha
Complete dogshit like all alternative medicine. If anybody else finds this shit as hilarious as I do read 'Bad Science' by Ben Goldacre. It's the book the passage greyskull linked from.