Earache Xmas party


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
*M* from Lunaris has kindly donated a couple of pictures that were taken on the night:

Here's *M* (Lunaris) with Martyn (ex-Skyclad)


Here's Julie (Without Face) and Balfori (Lunaris)


Here's me with Andras (Without Face) and Martin (general good guy and dangerous martial arts type!)


Here's a general drunken rabble!



It was a fantastic night! Without Face were suitably wrecked on as much booze as they could consume, Lunaris hung out and were generally cool guys, The Bezerker ripped it up and spat it out in bestial fury while Lee and Digby wandered around with the apparent express purpose of taking embarassing piccies!!! Any more in the offing? :eek:)

Thanks for titling the one with Andras, you and me as 'Cheese' btw Lee - J mentioned you'd popped these on here, and cheese about sums that one up!

Y'know I'm a very cheap tour bodyguard; like I said, just gimme a 12 pack post gig and I'm there! Lol!!! Dangerous? Moi? You still have the offer of training with me y'know! Keep up the TKD in the meantime - you know it makes sense (burn off the calories), and you can drink more (calories) afterwards to make up for the deficit. Perfect logic! :eek:)

Happy New Year & Cheers All!

hehe yeh my memory of that night is finally coming back to me!!!

nice to see sylvia got into the bottom photo (centre) she seems to be in every damn photo i've seen from that night! you photo slag...

and another happy new year martin (stu)
Here's a couple more pics that were taken on the night.

This is me behind the DJ booth. I did a short DJ set that no-one listened to :( I played Razor and Hollenthon, dammit!!


This is Scott (an old friend), Veil The Sky (nice chap - shame about the hat :)) and some other fat cunt.


Lee :)
Originally posted by Lee_B

This is me behind the DJ booth. I did a short DJ set that no-one listened to :( I played Razor and Hollenthon, dammit!!

Lee :)

For some reason im not surprised.
U could exhume something more fresh than Razor!
But not, you choosed Razor! Offcourse!
You wanted, that people pissed from laughter cos their lyrics and song titles!
Evil Invaders:DIron Hammer:DInstant Death:DCut Throat:DTortured Skull
Razor is quite probably the reason why it was a "short DJ set..." Ahem.... And also the reason for excessive consumption of jaegermeister, but I have no scientific proof of this - only observation that the bar sold rather a lot of booze and there were paralytic bodies strewn everywhere!!!

Exhume Metal Lucifer next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

I like the last picture:) While two other guys are having fun, Lee is shaking his bottle of champagne or beer to have even more fun like Formula 1 guys when shooting their champagnes:) I think they didn't expect such an evil trick:) Heheh! Does anybody have a next picture with two of them - dumbfounded and wet to the bone?:)
Originally posted by Sonm
I like the last picture:) While two other guys are having fun, Lee is shaking his bottle of champagne or beer to have even more fun like Formula 1 guys when shooting their champagnes:) I think they didn't expect such an evil trick:) Heheh! Does anybody have a next picture with two of them - dumbfounded and wet to the bone?:)

i don't think anyone got a picture but i did have to go and stand under the hand drier in the gents for about half an hour ....you bastard! :)