Earforce Clip

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
here's a tiny clip of my Earforce....this time through a MArshall 1960V cab...

EF Clip

this was just with a v30 thrown in front of the cab...all knobs close to noon (mids a bit lower)

here's another clip...this time only doubletracked and WITHOUT the trusted sm57:
EF brootz2

and here it is through the stiletto cab:

you threw a V30 speaker in front of a cab loaded with, uhm...57's? :D
haha, just kidding, tone slays, sounds very raw and defined! :D

great...this morning I was on the Earforce page and saw that "money back guarantee thingy" -> money back within 30days even if you ordered it with your custom stuff.
and now this.
guess I'll never get a Diezel Herbert lol
You won't miss the Herbert!
Please tell them who referred you (I'm not getting any percentage of the sales or so, lol...just to let them know).

But honestly, that Amp is so fucking awesome you won't regret it
You won't miss the Herbert!
Please tell them who referred you (I'm not getting any percentage of the sales or so, lol...just to let them know).

But honestly, that Amp is so fucking awesome you won't regret it

As soon as I have the money together for it and the 30 days money back is also available for us Ösis then I'll get in touch with them and tell them were I heared about this beast ;)
I'm quite confident that I wouldnt miss the Herbert, but I just need to play an earforce myself to be 100% sure.
Also not madly sorry about the ~1k€ less haha
Not enough GAS yet?
well, check this


I'm still listening to the RoS clip with the EF on a regular basis, so my GAS for it was only lowered when I tried the Herbert. but only until I read about the 30 days trial with money back stuff :lol:
needz me a job fast :hotjump:

stilleto clip is awesome too, not that much a fan of the marshall cab tbh