Early 5150 transformer??

Jan 9, 2008
Do any forum members have an Early 5150 and if so would you check the Tranformer model info??:saint:

I have been told that peavey changed the transformer to a cheaper model.

I wonder if Andy Knows anything about this since he is an endorsee of the 6505 and he should be able to ask peavey!!:cool:
i got me one of dem block letter bad boys.
lemme have a look next time i have my amp on me.
i got me one of dem block letter bad boys.
lemme have a look next time i have my amp on me.

It would be great if you could check your amp out.:cool:

I just need someone to open their 6505 and check what they have as well any takers??

forgot to mention I have a possible mod for this amp anyway which I want to tryout sooner or later.

And it is not the EVH 3 power amp tube mod or any other mentioned on this forum its about getting the electricity faster from the powerboard.:saint:
Getting the electricity faster from the powerboard? You're traveling no more than a matter of an arm's length at the speed of fucking light...

Getting the electricity faster from the powerboard? You're traveling no more than a matter of an arm's length at the speed of fucking light...


Something like that, but it works great.:)

Its been done on a few amps and gives better presence and its been proven to work.:cool:

The idea behined it is it cuts out a certain disadvantages by making the reaction time quicker.

And don't even think about getting in to a debate on this one, its been proved thats why the specific replacement was manufactured.
I looked into the difference between 5150s block letter 5150s and 6505s a while ago and the only difference between any of them was that the first 100 or so ever made had a few more winds on the transformer than they do now..The whole thing about the block letter ones being different to the signature ones is a total myth.

Sure some of em may sound different but its nothing to do with being built differently.

The first 100 or so that probably went straight to Eddie VH or for sale in the States were a slightly different but for the whole history of the amp thats been the only difference.
I looked into the difference between 5150s block letter 5150s and 6505s a while ago and the only difference between any of them was that the first 100 or so ever made had a few more winds on the transformer than they do now..The whole thing about the block letter ones being different to the signature ones is a total myth.

Sure some of em may sound different but its nothing to do with being built differently.

The first 100 or so that probably went straight to Eddie VH or for sale in the States were a slightly different but for the whole history of the amp thats been the only difference.

Are you sure I have a very reliable source :err:

What are you telling me about the first 100, did they have prototype transformers / custom wound??
elmucho IS a reliable source.
I took a flashlight behind mine and can't see a single distinguishing mark on it to report to you.
So, if you end up with a power supply that supplies power faster than the speed of light does it play the chords before you do? :loco:
elmucho IS a reliable source.
I took a flashlight behind mine and can't see a single distinguishing mark on it to report to you.
So, if you end up with a power supply that supplies power faster than the speed of light does it play the chords before you do? :loco:

I didn't mean to say elmucho was wrong, I was only repeating what my source said, if it was taken the wrong way I apologise, no offence intended.

The idea behined the replacement board was to show people how good the 5150 is when it is given a better powerboard as we all know amps manufacturers go for cost effective parts.

For the electronic literate think of it along the lines of silicion diode V recifier which one reacts quicker.
This is true, but the distance from power board to anything using power should be very short. The amp has a wee bit of trouble with power that hasn't been through the transformer, so in that circuit the power source can be considered to be 'after' the transformer.

And Baron... you seem to have some pretty kooky sources here and there, I'd like to see exactly what you're doing and where you got it from.

And Baron... you seem to have some pretty kooky sources here and there, I'd like to see exactly what you're doing and where you got it from.


You may see my sources as kooky if you think of former University students with 1,1s and electronic engineers which have installed and designed Super Consoles thats your perrogative.:saint::saint:
Is elmuchoescadawg an engineer or sales rep??:)

He is neither... Hes the supreme baron and oricle of peavey....

Actually he is the tech support team for Peavey UK and does artist relations for them to..

He also works as a live and studio engineer so has a bit of a clue..

Basically when I heard all the myths about the different types of 6505s and then started working here I figured I was in the best place to try and find out..

When I said first 100 units its not an exact figure but I know it wasnt many compared to how many have been sold world wide since they came out.

Sales rep Pft!!
You may see my sources as kooky if you think of former University students with 1,1s and electronic engineers which have installed and designed Super Consoles thats your perrogative.:saint::saint:

I might stop seeing them as kooky IF YOU FUCKING NAME THEM. What part of 'list sources' is too complicated to understand? Either they're bonkers or you're explaining their work wrong.
