Early 5150 transformer??

You're also going to have to not say 'I have sources' or 'the fairies told me to' or whatever else you think will get your ass out of trouble. If you don't know what you're doing, it's one thing, but to pretend you have good backing and never follow through on it, especially with the guy who teaches electrical engineers, is asking for trouble.

Pull your head out of your ass. I'm just trying to make you look like less of an idiot. Someone around here made the mistake of saying things like "I can get the individual tracks from (insert classic album here)!" and "I'm about to have dinner with the guys who did live sound for (insert classic band here), any questions for them?" without following through on them, and he still hasn't heard the end of it. Plenty of people can make big claims from authority like you have.

Coming around asking irrelevant questions (as GT posted up there, the Mercury Magnetics transformer kills anything Peavey ever put in stock) and sounding like the worst mix of fundagelical, politician, and nerd who keeps insisting 'Yes, I have gotten laid... she lives in Canada' is no way to get anything useful out of anyone.

There are good ways and bad ways to present yourself on a board. This is a bad way. There's your advice from someone who actually knows what he's talking about, and doesn't have to rely on 'it's been proven, really!' and 'oh, well, this guy with a fancy title said so!'... take it or leave it.

Just out of curiosity why do you care? If you wanted to drop in a nicer tranny then blow money on a mercury magnetics OT and get it over with! :lol:

BTW, your going to have to get over Jeff's sarcasm if you want to survive around here.

I heard mercury magnetics did a replacement transformer for old Dagnals which were used in old marshalls

Do you know the best replacement model for the 5150 by any chance or do I need to contact MM??:)
A MM tranny is going to cost you allot.

I hate to say it man but I agree with jeff. The NOS (new old stock) people are morons. So whoever is telling you "older bla bla better bla bla" is an idiot.

It's the same people who swear by the shitty NOS JRC chip in TS808 pedals when there are much better op amp chips to be had. Stupid vintage snobs who have to justify spending out the ass for something old and used (well in regards to electronics, this doesn't really apply to old instruments that involve wood).
Hate to say it? You know agreeing with me is like fucking in zero-gravity, you can't help it...

Also, who told you about the transformers in the first place? I haven't heard that, or many claims like that from people who weren't trying to sell me something...

Who told me about transformers? Nobody in particular, I am aware that a MM OT will sound better than a stock OT and it should for the price it costs. But since we are on the subject of "what was in old peaveys" like it's a desirable thing to go find a NOS peavey 5150 OT my post makes sense.

Oh and I don't hate to say it. :lol:
Getting the electricity faster from the powerboard? You're traveling no more than a matter of an arm's length at the speed of fucking light...

Only in a vacuum, I believe. Down a wire is might be as slow as half that, I'm told. :)

I'm certainly no expert, but if a tranformer is coiled wire it should have inductive effects, no? Inductors cause a lagging power factor, so a power transformer with with less inductance in the primary at the mains frequency should improve the PT's response time to the amp's demands...or something...maybe.

Perhaps that's the sort of thing he's talking about? Just speculating...
Only in a vacuum, I believe. Down a wire is might be as slow as half that, I'm told. :)

I'm certainly no expert, but if a tranformer is coiled wire it should have inductive effects, no? Inductors cause a lagging power factor, so a power transformer with with less inductance in the primary at the mains frequency should improve the PT's response time to the amp's demands...or something...maybe.

Perhaps that's the sort of thing he's talking about? Just speculating...

Your right, thats the idea behined vacum tubes and some of the electrons become radiation.

The speed of electrons is effected by the diameter of the wire and amount of electricity used as well.
The speed of electrons and the speed of electricity are two different things. Electrons, having mass, never move at the speed of light; they move very slowly, actually. 'Electricity', however, moves very close to the speed of light, because it is NOT a massive particle The 'slowest' of cables used frequently will come in around 2c/3 (2*10^8 m/s), which is still fucking fast. Further, the distance is so small that it's practically irrelevant - say the transformer wire is half a mile long, and the electricity only moves at two thirds its speed in a vacuum... you're coming in under four milliseconds. Baron, you still haven't explained how this modification changes things...

Also, the idea behind vacuum tubes has much more to do with heat differences between the anode and cathode.

Two Fs in physics, coming right up.

I bet w/ a $260 transformer maybe 1% of folks could get a 5150 to sound as good as the stock 5150's sound on their favorite records.
So this exercise truly is just academic.
I'm a nerd too so I sympathize w/ the inclination to 'improve' things but in situations like this there is usually far more room for operator improvement than anything else.....or you could spend you time, money and energy seeking out aftermarket parts. This lesson was taught to me by an Ivy League Intel engineer.
I swapped out a trans in my bassman. I don't know if it was because the old one was from the 70s or not but the difference in sound quality was night and day, much much cleaner. So replacing a OT for a MM WILL give you a noticeable difference (I replaced the bassman one with a Webber). To bad JerryP doesn't post around here more.
I swapped out a trans in my bassman. I don't know if it was because the old one was from the 70s or not but the difference in sound quality was night and day, much much cleaner. So replacing a OT for a MM WILL give you a noticeable difference (I replaced the bassman one with a Webber). To bad JerryP doesn't post around here more.

I can't say I really agree. I have a 6505 with a MM OT, and I felt like the difference in clarity and efficiency was subtle. To me, the other mods I had done previously made a much bigger difference: bias mod, tubes, clarity mod.

Same thing happened with my Triple Recto. Had a standard Voodoo Amps mod done, then decided to swap out the OT about a year later for their custom MM. For the price, the difference was minimal.