Early days DVD!!!


Jun 27, 2004
Hi All,

Howz everyone? Seems like ages since I came to this forum. Anyways, I got this for Xmas and let me say this DVD is simply amazing!! Unlike any other. Tons of old footage from the early years (concerts) and a documentary.
I got to see some amazing Clive Burr drumming on video finally. It was heavenly.
This DVD is a must for any maiden fan so if you haven't watched this yet, go get your copy today :)

Hope everyone had a great Xmas and holidays and hope the maidens are rocking hard as ever.
yeah! i got this dvd from my santa maidens bass playa \m/ :Smokedev: \m/
ruskin and the rainbow, then hammersmith and dortmund - my life is complete now
Can you imagine what the dortmund festival would have been like!? 2 stages with all the top bands playin over 2 days. We need something like that here.
Does anyone know more about the possibility of a Maiden US tour next year dates/venues etc? The maiden site only lists europe dates. Are they even goin to tour in the US?
tijan said:
Can you imagine what the dortmund festival would have been like!? 2 stages with all the top bands playin over 2 days. We need something like that here.
Does anyone know more about the possibility of a Maiden US tour next year dates/venues etc? The maiden site only lists europe dates. Are they even goin to tour in the US?
Remember the US Festival many moons ago? Or were you a wee one at the time? That was cool! I am still amazed my parents let me go.
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Remember the US Festival many moons ago? Or were you a wee one at the time? That was cool! I am still amazed my parents let me go.

Hahah I probably was or not even born. How many moons ago was that? And what festival was it??
tijan said:
Hahah I probably was or not even born. How many moons ago was that? And what festival was it??
It was called the US (like all of "us") Festival and was held in 1982 and 1983 at the Glen Helen Regional Park in San Bernardino, CA. I was there in '82. Three Days of Peace & Music... and Technology. http://www.woz.org/US/
They were 3 day events and in '82 the days were each devoted to a different genre of music, so of course I was there for the rock/metal day. There were huge bands on the bills each night too! like The Dead, Triumph, Judas Priest, can't remember if Motley Crue were there or not....Ozzy, Van Halen, etc. I can't find a list of all the bands and can't remember at the moment. I remember being at the very front against the barriers for Priest for a few songs and then the pushing started and we were getting mildly crushed so we got outta there sooo fast and enjoyed the show from about 20 rows back. It was a madhouse.
I remember the US festival. I went to both the 82 & 83 shows. Motley Crue was there. Geeze, that was soooo long ago, I can't remember all the bands either. Sounds like you've listed the biggies tho. Oh, Quiet Riot was there too. I remember I snapped photos of many bands. They're around here somewhere (probably burried in some box). I remember that David Lee Roth was so drunk on stage that he was forgetting the words to the songs. Definitely a fun time. Wish they'd do it again, but word I heard is they lost money on the deal, despite the fact that there was a shit load of fans there.