EARLY MAN!!!! <- lots of people here should DIG this band


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Doomcifer & IoftheStorm, I assume you guys are already familiar? Lurch, you may know them. They're a 2 man outfit from NYC, recently toured with The Sword...just listened to the first few songs of their last album, "Closing In", so I recognize this is somewhat premature, but damn if I'm not excited down in my loins.


Old school, cult, retro -- whatever you want to call it, it's :kickass: all the way. They've toured with bands like Fu Manchu and Mastodon, but don't let that put you off.

Here's a description I cut & paste:

Early Man is a minimalist heavy metal duo (comprising drummer Adam Benatti and guitarist/singer Mike Conti) that worships at the altar of Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, and early Metallica. The sound is an undeniable throwback to the glory days of speed and doom metal, and Early Man does it right with righteous guitar riffs, pummeling drums, and wailing vocals.

Obligatory Ozzy vocal worship and really cool heavy metal / speed metal riffs. Some of it isn't too far off Ozzy's "Bark at the Moon" era, namely Jake E Lee riffs galore.

Honestly, I think everyone from J to NAD should get something out of this, ranging from Ozzy-era Sabbath clonery all the way through to Slough Feg riffery.

I am loving this new wave of heavy metal / doom. Here is their CD on cduniverse containing lots of snippets. I'll upload some jewsendits tomorrow.
There's really no excuse to recommend something without a yousendit link anymore. I mean why didn't you just wait instead of giving me this nipple-poking tease? :dopey:
I remember liking what I heard of this but not enough to buy the album. The hard part is that I hate not listening to full albums, so its hard to evaluate a band on a single song.
Alright, here we go: FOUR WALLS :kickass:

It's a great song, as are the next few, but admittedly, the album seems to tail off towards the middle and end.

If bands only have 20 minutes worth of quality music, I don't see why they don't just release a great EP instead of an overall average album. Too much filler.

Overall, they are Slough Feg-lite.
Orange rules, though i went back to my Randall lately for the overdrive

some day soon i hope to ditch these tiny practice amps and see about getting something more serious