
BTW, at the bottom of this page is a chart in blue showing how long you can be exposed to various levels of sound before hearing loss begins. Concerts generally are pretty close to 100dbs. So if you are starting to get hearing loss after 15 minutes, how much hearing loss will you get after all day at PPUSA? If you use the Etymotics, they cut out 15dbs. That gives you 8 hours before hearing loss starts.
BTW, at the bottom of this page is a chart in blue showing how long you can be exposed to various levels of sound before hearing loss begins. Concerts generally are pretty close to 100dbs. So if you are starting to get hearing loss after 15 minutes, how much hearing loss will you get after all day at PPUSA? If you use the Etymotics, they cut out 15dbs. That gives you 8 hours before hearing loss starts.

However, keep in mind that is 8 hours of CONTINUOUS exposure. At least at concerts like ProgPower, there is a good 1/2 hour or more break between sets (which at most, is should not be more than a couple hours for the headliner). Thus, with the use of a good pair of earplugs, you should be fine with your hearing even after 3 days of festivities at ProgPower.

But as pointed out here, without the ear-plugs, you are subjecting yourself to potential hearing loss after only 15 minutes or less into a set. I'll have to bring my SPL meter in just to see how loud it actually get there.
So I bought the Etymotic ETY20 earplugs and I'm slightly confused. The info on the website and on one of the brochures say they reduce the sound evenly by 20dB, but a card in the actual packaging says the NRR is 12. So which one is it - is it 20 or 12? Cause that's a huge difference.
Id have to say its probably 20 dB, as it has 20 in the part number. Ive used these for the better part of 5 or 6 years now, and my ears tell me its close to 20dB. You should really enjoy them Ed!
That's what I thought also, but the card that says 12 confused me. I'm gonna try them out at Rush this Sunday - looking forward to see how they sound.
I forgot about getting earplugs...symptom of being a newbie I guess. I've been to a couple of loud shows recently. I want to be able to enjoy music for a while. Glad they make some for people with smaller ear canals (like me). I can't even put in those bud earphones because mine are so small. Going to try to get the small ones on amazon. Hope I can get them in time.
Anything conical in shape tends to worm its way out of my ear canals, so I use the barrel-shaped foam ones, and they work fine for me. Haven't had ringing in my ears after a show in at least 3 years.

I usually bring a bagful with me to PPUSA, so if you don't have any, check with me; I might have extras to give away. (I forget if the venue sells them or not...I think they do.)
I forgot about getting earplugs...symptom of being a newbie I guess. I've been to a couple of loud shows recently. I want to be able to enjoy music for a while. Glad they make some for people with smaller ear canals (like me). I can't even put in those bud earphones because mine are so small. Going to try to get the small ones on amazon. Hope I can get them in time.

My order took 2 days to get to me and I live in Ohio. If you order now you should have them this week sometime.
Tried my new earplugs at the Rush show last night and thought they worked great. I was about half way back, will be interested to see how they work at PP.