

Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
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There's a PP Earplugs of choice. I can't remember what they were, but they're like $15. Can someone give me a link? I decided last night after the Primal Fear show that it's about time I invested. My ears are STILL kinda ringing 12 hours later. Fortunately, getting better as time goes on.

No worries, talked to our colleges ear researcher, told me what causes it and that without constant exposure to loudness (certainly not) it'll clear up. I always worry until it goes away.

Going up to guitar center today since I have another shoot tomorrow, but would like to order the permanent set everyone uses at PP.
The ones I use I got in the drum dept at Guitar Center. They're made by a company called Vater and they run about $20 and come with a case and sets of inserts which change the decibel level. You should check them out if you have the chance.
I have these:


They work pretty well.
I attend shows, gig and rehearse with Etymotics, they are the way to go. Technically they dont block enough out but they're 1000x better than no-plugs and 900x better than foam plugs.
The Etymotics work real well. Make note though that link above is for the folks with small ear canals. There is another set made for regular sized canals.

I bought a pair of regular-sized Etymotics for PPEu last year, and wore them on the plane - they were SO uncomfortable, but I do have small ear canals, so I think I'm going to have to give those a try.
My wife and I have used Etymotic ER-20 for awhile. They're good....


Add another recommendation for the etymotics...but as someone else noted, make sure you're aware that they have two sizes for different size ear canals. I ordered an extra pair when I ordered, because shipping wasn't much (any?) more for 2 than 1, so I figured I'd have a spare. That was a couple years ago, though...YMMV.
I got two pair of these (normal size for me, small ones for the small wife) based on the recommendations above. Finally got to try them out at the Dokken/Scorpions show last night in Vancouver, WA. Just wanted to say thanks for the recommendation! Sound quality is definitely better than foam earplugs and we could talk mroe easily.

Scorps sounded great and put on a fun show. Don Dokken's a little the worse for wear, unfortunately, and their mix was off (guitar was too quiet, vocal was too loud).
I know I'm probably beating a dead horse here, but if so many people are using earplugs, why not just lower the volume a little at the sound board?

I don't use earplugs, personally. but damn, I'm ringing like crazy after the show and when I get home my ears ring pretty loud until a day or two after.

And PP isn't even that loud compared to some other shows I've been to.
Last year it wasn't loud. I didn't need them. Previous years I definitely needed them.
I use the Etymotics too, BUT keep a pair of foamies in my pocket in case it's too loud in the photo pit. If I get stuck right in front of a chest pounding speaker, I don't care how good the sound is, I protect my ears.

To those of you with ringing ears, you ARE damaging your hearing!! Just because the ringing goes away, doesn't mean you haven't done a little more damage each time. The sad thing is, no one believes it until it's really noticeable. Take it from someone who knows! Use the earplugs now so you don't have to lay awake at night listening to your ears hum, or going "Eh?" every time you try to have a conversation. It's totally more irritating then wearing earplugs once in awhile.
Never use them...but people sing the praises of these Etymotics. Hmm. I just don't want to miss any sounds.

Etymotics, allegedly, reduce only volume, doesn't filter out any of the frequencies. So you aren't missing anything more than when you turn down the volume on your stereo. Based on experience, that's basically what happens.
Never use them...but people sing the praises of these Etymotics. Hmm. I just don't want to miss any sounds.

When the music volume is obnoxiously loud, wearing earplugs isn't going to make you miss anything you would be able to hear already. I'm just tired of feeling like I'm in a sonic chamber of dissonance the day after a show. It's annoying. Also, if you look, almost everyone on every stage wear them as well, and they're only in front of monitors.

Anyway, I bought the ones recommended and I love them. I used them twice, and glad I did the first time, because the band was so loud the bass/drums almost physically hurt. The plugs made it sound much better. Also, frankly, I think it sounds better with them in. Everything sounds much clearer, and I'm not reeling the whole next day.
The plugs made it sound much better. Also, frankly, I think it sounds better with them in. Everything sounds much clearer, and I'm not reeling the whole next day.


I also have those Etymotic ER-20s as well! Best damn $15 I've spent right there.

I've also noticed that I actually think it sounds better with the plugs in! Believe it or not, your ears can also "clip" when subjected to too loud of sounds, thus why it tends to sound really harsh and painful. Kinda like when somebody cranks a crappy amp to loud and it starts to distort and all.

To those that think they are missing anything with earplugs, not if you get a good pair like these Etymotics or similar. Yeah, those cheapy 99-cent foam ones will filter out much of highs and lows and just make the whole thing sound like mush, but the better, well designed earplugs such as those Etymotic ones is just like as already described by those that have used them - it is just like turning the volume down on the stereo.

I don't go to a show anymore without them. I've also have ordered two pairs, since might as well make the shipping worth it and thus I now have a spare pair. I just use isopropol alcohol on these between shows to keep them clean and preventing them from getting gunked, and they should last for a long time.