how loud is the band? (+ hearing problems)

Anyway, lots of people talk all the time about how so-and-so has hearing damage from some famous band (James Hetfield comes to mind immediately)
Wait, so THAT'S why Metallica's recent stuff touches so many dicks?
I know you think so, but it's not odd at all. Look, famous musicians have signature drumsticks, guitars, guitar picks, guitar straps, magazine ads, whatever. People get all crazy about those things that the players use. Now I'm asking about how some of the musicians I most respect deal with a very salient and concering issue in metal music--hearing protection and hearing damage. That's a lot more important issue between players and music-playing fans than if someone uses a hickory stick .6 or .55 centimeters to hit a drum when they don't even have the same hands as you do, or what guitar Romeo uses. He would kick anyone's ass with a piece of garbage. But hearing protection and hearing damage are a health issue, which is infinitely more important. Like I said, people talk about it a lot. I've seen who-knows-how-many references to Jame Hetfield's tinnitus from Metallica. What's odd about it? Are you a musician?

Hey dude, whatever. You are interested in how well the members of Symphony X hear and that's cool. [Note: no sarcasm. seriously, more power to you] My point is that this isn't something like "what kind of drumsticks does Rullo use". Everyone's hearing is going to get fucked by prolonged unprotected exposure, so it's really a moot point. Wear earplugs if you're around any loud noise that lasts a while.

And yes, i do play in a band. I just bought 2 more pairs of earplugs yesterday. Get good earplugs, they're indispensable, both for practice and live shows as well as concerts.
lol idols are for people with low self confidence. see "american idol" for more details.

I have no problem with saying that I look up to Rullo among many other players. How is it low self-confidence to respect musicians like Symphony X? Isn't the whole point in being here agreeing that they pretty much kick ass at their instruments? I'm a serious musician but it's not my paying job; just a hobby. I have no problem with being honest about my level of skill. Your comment is idiotic and your attacking attitude shows you to be the one with a confidence problem, not me.

Wtf is wrong with you people, seriously. So much attitude here, it's just incredible. I'm outta this place, before I start to get any crappy associations with the music I love.
C'mon ya'll, this isn't the first thread lately where you (read: the regulars) have shown some pretty crappy attitudes..knock it off already.
I have no problem with saying that I look up to Rullo among many other players. How is it low self-confidence to respect musicians like Symphony X? Isn't the whole point in being here agreeing that they pretty much kick ass at their instruments? I'm a serious musician but it's not my paying job; just a hobby. I have no problem with being honest about my level of skill. Your comment is idiotic and your attacking attitude shows you to be the one with a confidence problem, not me.

Wtf is wrong with you people, seriously. So much attitude here, it's just incredible. I'm outta this place, before I start to get any crappy associations with the music I love.

hey man, have a look at some of the links in this thread that direct you to some of the ear plugs people use. if you go to any concerts, bring ear plugs. it also seems like you're a drummer: novice or pro, invest in ear protection. a lot of musicians wear protection on stage (myself included), some rely on in-ear monitors, with the volume kept at a low level. i prefer having a monitor next to my kit, while wearing plugs. as i've said before, the longevity of the sound into your ear can be just as harmful as the loudness. you really don't want to end up with tinitus (look at pete townshend).

as for the "attitude" here...don't let it get to you, bud. it's a great bunch of people here, and, what might seem kind of "bastard-ish," it's not meant in any way to dissuade you from being here. anyway, welcome!:rock:

*note: visit for some info.
... says the man who has a fucking shrine to Gene Wolfe in his sig. Ken, you gotta get off your high horse sometime man. These people don't suck as much as you think, and you really aren't better than everyone else like you seem to believe. Just chill bro.
^ yea, its all in the attitude, you either come down on your own or some epic event(s) will knock you down. at least that was my first hand experience, wasnt worth it. just sayin.....
So, answering the question (which is the title of the thread):

The band is FUCKING RIDICULOUSLY LOUD at small venues. I'm actually surprised they don't adjust to the smaller venues because my ears were ringing for (a personal record) 3 days after seeing Symphony X last summer. It still sounded pretty awesome, but you can't really focus on what the band members are playing (which is nice to be able to do w/ a prog band) because your existance is being shaken with earthquake-like magnitude.

Wear earplugs. It's been said too many times in this thread already, so wear earplugs. Wear them. Did I mention wear earplugs? Just do it. Wear earplugs.
It's so loud that seeing Sym X without earplugs should be made into a universal right of passage into manhood. Like a Bar-Mitzvah that everyone can have, and REALLY REALLY REALLY RIDICULOUSLY LOUD
So, answering the question (which is the title of the thread):

The band is FUCKING RIDICULOUSLY LOUD at small venues. I'm actually surprised they don't adjust to the smaller venues because my ears were ringing for (a personal record) 3 days after seeing Symphony X last summer. It still sounded pretty awesome, but you can't really focus on what the band members are playing (which is nice to be able to do w/ a prog band) because your existance is being shaken with earthquake-like magnitude.

Wear earplugs. It's been said too many times in this thread already, so wear earplugs. Wear them. Did I mention wear earplugs? Just do it. Wear earplugs.

yeah... the question was answered on page one, but yeah.
So, answering the question (which is the title of the thread):

The band is FUCKING RIDICULOUSLY LOUD at small venues. I'm actually surprised they don't adjust to the smaller venues because my ears were ringing for (a personal record) 3 days after seeing Symphony X last summer. It still sounded pretty awesome, but you can't really focus on what the band members are playing (which is nice to be able to do w/ a prog band) because your existance is being shaken with earthquake-like magnitude.

Wear earplugs. It's been said too many times in this thread already, so wear earplugs. Wear them. Did I mention wear earplugs? Just do it. Wear earplugs.

I saw them in July 2007 at the House of Blues in Hollywood. As noted, they were extremely (and unnecessarily) loud. The HOB employees carried extra earplugs for the patrons (I grabbed and used a pair). Also, unfortunately, the drums (mostly the bass drum) were so loud that they masked out most everything else. I could barely hear Russell at all. The only time I could tell there was a keyboard solo was when the spotlight was on Pinnella. The only guitar solos I heard were when Romeo went above the 12th fret on the high E string. The notable exceptions were when the drums weren't playing (sections of the Odyssey). BTW, the other 2 bands had the same overpowering mix.
I walked to other areas of the room (except the mosh pit); the mix was the same in other areas, too. I've seen Dream Theater at the same venue; their mix was outstanding (so it's not the venue or the sound system).
I must be a glutton for punishment; I'm gonna see them again in April.

- NS
Oh there's no question - they're WAY too loud. The sound guy should turn everyone in the band down significantly (except the keyboards, since you can't hear Pinnella most of the time, anyway). When things are so loud that the overall sound becomes distorted (like the verse of Serpent's Kiss live), actions must be taken!