Earthquake In Illinois!


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Mar 29, 2003
5.4 Earthquake hit Southeastern Illinois at 4:37 A.M. this morning. Weird, you would think that stuff only happened elsewhere.
5.4 Earthquake hit Southeastern Illinois at 4:37 A.M. this morning. Weird, you would think that stuff only happened elsewhere.

Well the New Madrid fault line does run through Illinois so it's not too terribly shocking. I seem to remember an earthquake down there about 5 yrs ago too. I sure didn't feel anything but I wonder how far north people did feel it.
I'm on the north side of Chicago and I felt it. I heard it shook the skyscrapers downtown as well. Wondering if it was felt across the Wisconsin border!
Heres a newsbit from Looks like it was felt in Milwaukee as well:

WEST SALEM, Ill. - A 5.4 magnitude earthquake that appeared to rival the strongest recorded in the region rocked people up to 450 miles away early Friday, surprising residents unaccustomed to such a powerful Midwest temblor.

The quake just before 4:37 a.m. was centered six miles from West Salem, Ill., and 66 miles from Evansville, Ind. It was felt in such distant cities as Chicago, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, and Des Moines, Iowa, 450 miles northwest of the epicenter, but there were no early reports of injuries or significant damage.

"It shook our house where it woke me up," said David Behm of Philo, 10 miles south of Champaign. "Windows were rattling, and you could hear it. The house was shaking inches. For people in central Illinois, this is a big deal. It's not like California."

Bonnie Lucas, a morning co-host at WHO-AM in Des Moines, said she was sitting in her office when she felt her chair move. She grabbed her desk, and then heard the ceiling panels start to creak. The shaking lasted about 5 seconds, she said.

The quake shook skyscrapers in Chicago's Loop, 240 miles north of the epicenter, and in downtown Indianapolis, about 160 miles northeast of it.

Irvetta McMurtry of Cincinnati said she felt the rattling for up to 20 seconds.

"All of a sudden, I was awakened by this rumbling shaking," said McMurtry, 43. "My bed is an older wood frame bed, so the bed started to creak and shake, and it was almost like somebody was taking my mattress and moving it back and forth."

Lucas Griswold, a dispatcher in West Salem, said the Edwards County sheriff's department received reports of minor damage and no injuries.

"Oh, yeah, I felt it. It was interesting," Griswold said. "A lot of shaking."

Indiana State Police spokesman Sgt. Todd Ringle in Evansville said there were no immediate reports of damage.

The quake occurred in the Illinois basin-Ozark dome region that covers parts of Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas and stretches from Indianapolis and St. Louis to Memphis, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The organization's Web site said earthquakes occur irregularly in the area, and that the largest historical earthquake in the region — also a magnitude 5.4 — caused damage in southern Illinois in 1968.
a little early morning shake n bake huh. Was this your first time feeling an earthquake? freaky isnt' it? Hope all is well for you guys and hope it will be a long, long time before you (or I) feel one of those again!
Well the SO says my coughing all night (damn waiting for an hour in the cold outside the venue for Symphony X, 3 nights in a row, and stupidly wearing only a tshirt) might have been the cause of that earthquake ;)
Supposedly it was felt in Columbus, Ohio. I live in Cleveland, and I was asleep at the time, so I don't know if it could be felt here or not.
Ahhh, central Illinois.:) So do you remember, or am I hallucinating here, wasn't there a mild earthquake down there a few years back. I seem to remember hearing about it(while living down there) but I didn't feel shit.
I only vaguely recall it, and don't remember feeling it. I live in Normal, Il. Here's a snipit I found about it ....

The last time an earthquake was widely felt across central Illinois was in the early-morning hours of June 28, 2004, when a 4.2 magnitude earthquake hit 8 miles northwest of Ottawa, Il.

I only vaguely recall it, and don't remember feeling it. I live in Normal, Il. Here's a snipit I found about it ....

The last time an earthquake was widely felt across central Illinois was in the early-morning hours of June 28, 2004, when a 4.2 magnitude earthquake hit 8 miles northwest of Ottawa, Il.


I was in O'Fallon, Il. for this one, but I didn't feel it. Of course I only felt one in Japan over four years and they get tremors all the time.
I was in O'Fallon, Il. for this one, but I didn't feel it. Of course I only felt one in Japan over four years and they get tremors all the time.

That's cause you lived close to the ground in Japan. Those of us 9 stories up felt every little earth fart like the world was falling down. BTW, you cant tell me you haven't been secretly hoping Scott AFB would fall apart due to something like this.:)
I slept right through it. And I'm not a heavy sleeper. I did wake up just enough to vaguely register that things were shaking, but I thought it was a strange dream. There were also two aftershocks when I woke up. One when I was in the shower, which I didn't feel, but I heard things fall, and the other once I was out of the shower and at the computer. At first I thought it was the wind shaking the house, and then I realized "Wait...the wind has NEVER shook our house before!"
People don't realize other faults exist in the US because they are not as active as, for instance, the San Andreas. We had an earthquake here (centered in Ft. Payne, Alabama) about 4-5 years ago. I slept through it, but even my mom, 130 miles SW of here felt it.

According to Wiki, the New Madrid seismic zone os the most active east of the Rockies, with the one here second. Apparently, earthquakes occuring in areas where the ground is wetter tend to be felt over longer distances. Interesting.

Also, apparently earthquakes in the early part of the 19th century along the New Madrid zone changed the course of the Mississippi.
I lived on the Lackawanna fault for half my life, and there have only been two earthquakes there that I know of; I was not aware of either of them at the time.

We had what might have been a tiny one in Virginia Beach in (*google noises*) July 1996 - I was sitting at the computer and the walls and desk trembled like a big truck was roaring past. It registered about a 2 on the seismograph, but no one could decide conclusively if it was an earthquake, or if it was related to activity at the military bases.'s kinda weird how some of the bigger quakes happen early in the morning....the northridge quake in 1994 happened early in the morning...and that was quite a wake-up call....they didn't even know the fault existed until the quake was different then the other ones we had...this one was up and down...