Easiest PSP type software?


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
I want to create some logo's/banners etc etc and I can't use PSP *im a total noob at this stuff*, is there any others that people recommend that is simple but still allows you to do a decent job? :)
GIMP is fantastic, but it's interface is what I would call a mac-users biggest nightmare haha.

Jaymz, if you want to take things to a professional looking level, it's best to dive into Photoshop or GIMP really. It ain't that hard. Your first projects will look like shit, but after a short while things will eventually take shape... it's not magic and there are tons of noob-tutorials on the web that will have you flying asap.
Gimp has all you need, although I prefer Photoshop due to the interface and general "flow". But I heard there are some "skins" you can get for GIMP that makes it look like PS so, maybe that would work if you're used to PS.
Got a cool logo sorted, just having major issues with myspace. Nothing ever fits bloody right! *makes steam*, anybody good at myspace band layouts? :P