Home Recording via Computers

Dec 5, 2002
Alright, the time has come for me to put aside the Fostex 4-Track and the $12 shire mics and get some proper recording equipment. Im looking to set up a simple, multi-functional recording area using my computer at home, and I really havent the slightest clue were to start. I know several people on this forum (Eric, Max, etc.) already use such set-ups, so I figured this forum would be the easiest place to get answers at.

Keep in mind that I know next to nothing about what I need, what is involved in setting things up, etc. Im not looking to major in music engineering here or anything, I just need to know things such as: hardware needed, software, general pricing bullshit, and the level of quality/difficulty of said set-ups. I need something that is relatively simple to learn and use (I have no time right now to seriously invest in learning too much), but is of decent quality. Anyway, you guys get the idea, if anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated.
M-Audio Delta Audiophile 2496 sound card: $99.99
Studio Projects B1 condenser microphone: $99.99
Tapco Blend 6 mixer: $99.99
Steinberg Cubase SX 2.0 warez edition: $0.00
Making your own demo tapes limited to 10 copies: priceless
I would avoid Behringer mixers (actually I would avoid any and all Behringer equipment with very few exceptions) although the price will seem appealing... The mic preamps just aren't very good. Spend a few bucks extra and get a small Tapco, Soundcraft or Yamaha board.
everyone always poops on behringer. so far we've had good luck with the mixer, but it's only 6 months old and it's the only behringer product i've ever dealt with. either way, the massive number of horror stories keep me away, and i wasn't the one that purchased the mixer.
I have a Behringer Mixer, that I use for recording purpose, maybe not the best quality, but works for me just fine. What I'v heard about Behringer, is that the quality can change a lot between the machines.

For mics I use TSM MT184 (made for acoustic instruments) and AKG c3000. Soundcard is the same, that Erik has.
Okay so it sounds like the Audiophile card is a good investment then. To add a little more information: I basically want to be able to record all instruments myself, including real drums, not just a drum machine. Now obviously im going to want to use several mics (I usually use no less than 8 when playing live), so is their some type of mic-to USB router box im going to need? Its probably apparent I really dont have a clue.
i bought a 7-piece set of drum mics for like $250, that plus a mic snake like this work perfectly. just ran it to the board and then to the computer.

josh homme told us to tape quarters to the drumheads, so we did and it worked, once again proving how much josh homme rules.

here's the drum mic set i got: http://samash.com/catalog/showitem....drum*+AND+*mic*&Search_Type=SEARCH&GroupCode=

it's quite nice for the price, we used the condensor mics for live recording once and they picked up everything, even the kick drum and my lower frequencies.
Erik said:
Another reason to love Linux -- fucking salvagin' pieces of the lost post directly from RAM memory by copying and pasting. Try doing that in Windows, kuntz.

Most of it was lost, though. Goin' to rewrite it later 'cause it was an ace post.

its called a key-logger, :loco: i can dig up anything thats been typed on this comp for the last 3 months.
Eh, they are hardly worth it, unless what happened to Erik happens, or if you like knowing what roomates/parents do on your comp while youre gone. Otherwise they just eat up space. A 100 page .txt will easily be made within a day.
sounds nifty, but on second thought i wouldn't want someone to see 100 pages FUCK PISS PORN SHIT BASS SUNN etc. to incriminate me with.
i always copy everything i type to the clipboard when on UM. got in that habit a few years ago when it used to eat posts all the time.
Hmm, tempting, but too much historical value attatched for me. Plus it isnt even worth the cost of shipping (and someone has scratched "NECRO TRACK 666" in the back with a Knife).

I'll probably download cubase, sonar, cakewalk, etc. from DC++ and try each of them out a bit. As far as drum mics, Im still unsure if I want to go all out and buy a full acoustic trigger system, or stick with simple drum mics. At the very least I'll be buying 2 bass drum triggers.
Also, which do you all prefer- computer mixing board software or an external powered mixer that is then run into a computer ?
god damn nad said:
josh homme told us to tape quarters to the drumheads, so we did and it worked, once again proving how much josh homme rules.

Sounds interesting, can you tell me what difference this makes? Damper sound quality ?
Ahh, that makes sense. I had heard that before, just never really thought about it. I'll be doing alot of experimenting with drum tones this weekend, as I will be in an actually studio laying down drum tracks. This weekend is fucking insanely busy. Saturday, wake up at 7, go to studio, record till 4 or 5PM, drive 2 hours to see Nevermore/Opeth, drive back home that night. Wake up early again, go BACK into the studio to record more, leave at like 3 or 4 PM to go the same club I was at the previous night to see Suffocation, Cryptopsy, Aborted, Decapitated, drive home. Go to work at 8 AM the next day. Fuck.