Income/expenses software


Apr 11, 2006
For the past while I've been using MacFreelance as my invoicing/record keeping software for all my freelance work. Probably around 80% of my work is live sound, and I have a fully registered and legitimate company through which I pay all my taxes, etc.

However, I've recently started a new system where I'm wanting to keep my studio stuff separate. I have a separate bank account set up for studio stuff and I am wanting to begin invoicing my studio from my main company. In other words, I'll be paying myself a day-rate as I would receive from doing live work, and the remainder will go towards studio related costs.

I want to have a system where I can record all income (ideally be able to invoice from, etc) as well as recording expenses. I'm not an accountant and find some of the more complex systems a little complicated so am after something simple. Don't need extensive statistics or reporting, just simple "$x received, 14/02/2011, 'blah, blah, blah"' and "$x spent on blah blah, 14/02/2011" sorta thing, with totals and balance..

Anybody know any good software for Mac? I can't do this through MacFreelance as, while you can have multiple companies, my statistics are screwed as I end up with invoices to my live company and my studio, and things all turn pear shaped. I end up looking at my total owed section and think I have way more money than I actually have :p

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated