Easy Death Metal for a beginner?

Sep 2, 2003
London, England
I've had a Stagg Warlock for over a year now and have played it all of 5 times. I get put off playing it because i dont know any songs to learn and learning from books just doesnt work for me.

So i thought that if i try to find out some easy Death Metal to play i'd be more interested in getting my money's worth out of the guitar.

I'd try playing Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Bathory, Sodom, Kreator, Destruction and such :< Modern Death Metal tends to be a tad tough, but maybe you could try early Nihilist/Entombed, Unleashed etc if you must play death metal...
I was thinking of older stuff. I had a look at some Obituary tabs and they seemed relatively easy, but i know i'll struggle even with th euber simple stuff.

I'll have a look for some tabs of what you recommeded. thanx.
those are great for starters. if you don't mind going outside death metal play some early thrash stuff too like Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth..helps with the speed a lot and most of it is beyond easy (especially Kill Em All era metallica).
I have played for a half of year :p
I would suggest you to get yourself guitar pro 3/4
(4 doesnt work with wint95 :P)
and get yourself some tabs from www.mysongbook.com.
This way you try learning songs that you havent even heard ever.

that is a one way.
i recoment some children of bodom try to learn silent night/bodom night or towrds dead end or follow the reaper those songs are relitively easy for a begginer ;)hehe
Life Sucks said:
Try Unleashed. The band is not that good, but their music is simple and easy to play. Grave is pretty easy to play too, as is Obituary.
Unleashed is too good, as long as one sticks to the first two albums... After that, well, errgh, the less said the better. Anyway, songs like "Unleashed" and "If They Had Eyes" are great songs and should be very easy to play -- the whole first album is basically mid-paced power chord riffing.