Recomendations for Recording Software


Dark Lord of the Sith
Sep 7, 2002
Tallahassee, FL
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Hey dudes, I just ordered my new pc and I'm gonna build it soon. The main reason I picked it up to record stuff on it. I was wondering if any one knows of any good recording software for metal guitar. I'm not to recording savy but I'm eager to learn. I'm willing to pay a few hundred bucks as long as I get my money's worth.
get pro tools. everyone uses it, its easy to use and awesome.

i have nuendo (expensive and completely JACKed version of cubase haha) and it is pretty hard to master shit with it. i HATE it, but its what i got so i have to deal with it...
Im a Cubase fan now. I used to use Cool Edit, and it's great for beginners and real simple stuff, but for the more serious recordings, Id get something like Cubase or Pro Tools.