Eating out in brissy ?


Stunt Plough Rider
Oct 15, 2001
Lithgow, Oz
A guy on another board is searching for places for a friend of his who will be visiting for a couple weeks on business to eat, drink and be merry.

I think good food, good beer, and nice atmosphere are the sort of things that he's after.

I've never ventured North of Tamworth, so I'm useless.
with that title, was going to suggest a lady that I know but then found that you want a restaurant.

oh, well.

never been to brissy sober and conscious, so can't recommend eating places but have often been told that a lot of the little hole in the wall Asian food places (especially at the markets) are great because they are cheap and high quality.
of course they have all the usually places in food courts and inner city fastfood take aways if it comes down to it but would recommend going to google and looking for review pages for the type of food places that you like to go.
something that I did last few times I went to Melbourne and really helped out.
Lots of nice places in the cdb and milton and west end for food. I frequent Omalleys in the city on the mall which is a cool irish pub. Check out the Belguim beer cafe too on cnr of charlotte st and edward st in the city. Nice food, nice atmos and awesome belguim beers like leffe and hoegaarden on tap.
Definitely check out Belgian Beer Cafe.

There are a few cool places in West End (Gun Shop Cafe (mid-range to bordering on exy for student types as myself), Three Monkeys, etc).

New Farm has a bunch of places too such as the Himalayan Cafe and a bunch around James St closer to the Valley.

Haven't eaten out in the Valley too much but there's a great Korean/Japanese BBQ place not in the Chinatown mall but just around the corner. Garuva's is also great - hard to find but top food and a little different to the usual restaurant setting.

Sorry if it's too late haha. I should check this site more.
So what's the best chinese place in the valley? Could do with a nice chinese while we're over there :)

Is the valley still a hole?
I think if the food is swimming in a pool of oil, and a stir fried beef in blackbean sauce costs me $15, it'd be just like living in London ;)