eBay, Amazon, etc.. Issues with international shipping


Apr 11, 2006
Alright, this may be a stupid question, but Im after some sort of company (or individual) that accepts ebay or amazon shipments (ie, companies that dont ship overseas) and then forward them on for a cost..

Does anything like this exist? ebay is so much cheaper for so much gear than anywhere in NZ, is so frustrating. In the past I have got a lot of gear over from the states (Console, a lot of my mics, guitar, pickups, etc) but Im finding now that even companies that I have dealt with in the past no longer trade to overseas countries...

Any idea about anything like this?
I know my dad has done this, a place in Florida. Basically we bought whatever we needed on eBay from various sellers, they shipped to the place, the place shipped to us in one package. We did it for the cheaper postage but it'd work for what you need. Don't know the name of it but there definitely are companies like that.
well here in Venezuela DHL works fine for that purpose, I buy off of amazon or Ebay and it gets sent to your personal P.O. box in DHL in Miami (or Doral I think), and then they ship it to me. But they don´t put everything in one single package like morgoe´s people does, they suck the money out by sending every thing you buy in a different package, having to pay the minimum postage for each thing even if it would still only be worth minimum postage by all things in one box. DHL is a worldwide company So it should also be in New zealand, check it out