Echosilence - Distorted Horizon

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Echosilence - Distorted Horizon
Nailboard Records - 2005
By Adam McAuley


This is a pleasant little EP that contains some passionate solid progressive metal. The female vocalist adds an emotional impact to the music. Overall, the style reminds of bands like Cynic at times with the complexities of the riffs, though there is also an atmospheric aura that appropriately recalls The Gathering as well. There really is a good amount of variety to be found in the four tracks available here. The musical textures are pleasant and vibrant. I’m anxious to hear a more fully fleshed out musical experience from the band because they have a lot of potential.

There’s a good amount of passion on display, which I believe can really combine well with solid song-writing as it does here. The album does have some progressive and atmospheric rock tendencies, but make no mistake this is a metal album through and through. Though there are subtle moments, they are overshadowed by the metallic character to be found. The album isn’t incredibly harsh at any points, however, and the gentleness of character is commendable. The textures have a pleasant feel that adds a charm to the music. This is augmented by the vocal displays of Kadri which are tasteful and complement the underlying progressive music in a thoughtful manner. This is one of my first tastes of female fronted prog metal, so I’m delighted to hear that it’s performed well here.

I can only hope Echosilence evolves into even greater territories when I hear full length material from them in the future. The title song “Distorted Horizons” is definitely a highlight, though all four songs on the disc are of a high quality. The band still has a little ways to go before they reach the level of Cynic, for example, but there’s nothing but good vibes on this EP. Definitely worth checking out for fans of the other bands mentioned in this review.

Official Echosilence Website
Official Echosilence My Space
Official Nailboard Records Website