Echoterra - female-fronted symphonic metal


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
Hey gang, I just wanted to introduce you to a new band I'm a huge fan of. If you're into female-fronted symphonic metal, please give them a listen!

The band is called Echoterra and features features Suvi Virtanen on vocals (ex-Therion), Jonah W on keys (Pyramaze) and Yan Leviathan on guitars (Avian). I'm a big fan of pretty much everything that Yan and Jonah touch :kickass:

Tunes at:


Here's the review I just posted on Amazon:


I'm really, really pleased with this entrant in the symphonic metal field! Great vocals, excellent guitar work, and some extremely killer keyboard work mark this release. Jonah W is a true talent on keyboards.

I suggest heading over to and checking out Manifest Eternity. That 2 minute track will give you a great introduction to what this album has in store for you!

I find that I don't skip any tracks when listening to this one, but these are my standout tracks:

Manifest Eternity: Brilliant intro piece to a symphonic metal album. By the end of this piece, my mind is completely ready for some symphonic metal majesty!

The Wind Surrounds You: This song is gorgeous. Beautiful keyboards, beautiful vocals, beautiful emotions! Huge "repeat" factor on this one when I listen to it.

To Live Again: Shows off singer Suvi's voice very nicely!

Say, Try, Lie, Die: Best song on the album!!!! This one grabs me by the chest right away, then grabs me by the throat about 12 seconds in and never lets go! Bassist Brian gets to pull half of the vocal duties on this one and his voice is well suited to this material. This is one of those very rare songs where I knew upon the first listen that I would love it, and I do. In fact, I find that track 8-10 usually get short-shrift from me, because once I hit this song, it is extremely difficult for me NOT to hit the "repeat" button. This is one of my favorite songs of 2009 in the power/prog/symphonic metal genre.

Water Falls: I particularly like the guitars on this track. While I often gravitate to the keyboard-driven songs, especially when listening to symphonic metal, this is one where I prefer it guitar-driven. Also well-suited to Suvi's vocals.

Say, Try, Lie, Die (Orchestral Version): This version of my favorite track is done in orchestral style: all keyboards and no guitars, with Suvi handling all of the vocals. While I prefer the hard-hitting version, I can TOTALLY see a lot of people preferring this version. I just personally think that the lyrics lend themselves best to the heavy treatment [insert metal horns here], as beautiful as this one sounds.

Long live metal!

Nope, not a Christian band. Nothing particularly anti-Christian in the lyrics, just your normal secular band of the genre.

BTW, they just uploaded my favorite song - Say, Try, Lie, Die - to their myspace page, so that's definitely the tune I suggest checking out the most!
is this like a screamo band? haha never heard a female screamo band before. I do like Thera which is a female fronted band, tho she doesn't scream, a lotta the guys in the background do. pretty cool
LOL, no, no, they're not screamo...screamo isn't even a metal genre, lolol. I didn't catch a song with screaming in it in my quick listen, but if there is, I'm sure it's just beauty and the beast vocals--which is metal. :P

There's actually quite a few female screaming bands. :)
Melissa Ferlaak (formerly of Aesma Daeva and Visions of Atlantis) is now the singer in the band. Ever since she left Aesma Daeva however, she's been floating around from project to project as if they are all temporary gigs. I understand she has a family now but her commitment could be a definitely run little deeper than it is. This is what caused her trouble and got her booted out of Aesma Daeva in the first place.
. This is what caused her trouble and got her booted out of Aesma Daeva in the first place.

Uhm...I was never booted from AD. I quit to join VoA. If you wish to know the story of each of the bands that I shared the stage with, you can certainly find honest responses on my myspace blog. A simple google search would have done it too. :lol:
Uhm...I was never booted from AD. I quit to join VoA. If you wish to know the story of each of the bands that I shared the stage with, you can certainly find honest responses on my myspace blog. A simple google search would have done it too. :lol:
You are not really her. You only have 1 post. someone just created this account for this thread. this is a remake of the account.:u-huh:
You are not really her. You only have 1 post. someone just created this account for this thread. this is a remake of the account.:u-huh:

Atlantis Night is indeed Melissa Ferlaak. I just spoke to her and confirmed this.

Melissa is the new lead singer of Echoterra. While I liked Suvi, she is based in Sweden and going with Melissa - based in St. Paul/Minneapolis - where most of the rest of the band is based, is a good move because now they can play live and not just record! :kickass:

In fact, I just saw their first live show two weeks ago :rock:

They reworked a bunch of the songs from the first album w/ Melissa on vocals - you can hear them all on the myspace page.

Yes, they are on iTunes!
Lol, I would have never thought that was her. I deal with fake people all the time guess I just am used to people pretending to be someone else.

<offtopic> I'm listening to mirror of souls

p.s. ironic isn't it?