economy picking vs alt picking


Rome 64 C.E.
May 17, 2006
So as i said in the rock discipline thread i got rock discipline. JP seems to preach alt picking only, which is a pain in the ass for sextuplets and and triplets. So for 3 NPS patterns and shit like that is it ok if i learn to economy pick everything that are triplets or sextuplets and use straight alt plicking for 8ths, 16ths etc? Would that fuck up my technique or teach the me wrong thing? I intend to practice everything in rock discipline as 8ths, triplets, sextuplets, 16ths (the picking part).
muchas gracias
Also discuss which techinque you prefer or like better and why?
Sorry to say, but you much better off learning both, also starting with upstrokes and downstrokes.

I prefer alt. since I suck at economy :P It work ok if I'm climbing a scale, but descending I go into alt. without thinking about it hehe. Talking 3nps here.
Same here, I hardly use economy picking.
You can overcome that 3NPS pattern problem doing the following: Take the cromatic exercise for Rock discipline (the one to build speed) those are 4 NPS pattern, and start with a down stroke, as a consecuence you will have downstrokes in every string all the time (piece of cake), try to build up speed doing do the same thing but starting with upstrokes and try to build up speed, while keeping definition and been in time (a little more difficult) . When you feel confortable doing that, 3 NPS patterns will be so much easier.
Alt picking all the way! If you're having trouble with 3 and 6 nps accent every 3 or 6 notes with a harder pick stroke. It's almost like bookmarking where you are in the scale. This builds a certain feel as well. Once you get the feel down then the actual scale will fall into place for you. Believe me, I went through this too when I was starting out.
I used to play all economy, and my picking was horrid as a result....up and down is the way to go for strict picking.....i still use economy for some phrase, but id avoid economy because it really is only good for the 3 and 6 feels like you said....
As a guy that can do both.....


You wont regret it, there is no right or wrong way to do anything excpet for limiting yourself by only learning one or the other. depending on what you play your style will dictate how you pick it.

My economy usually comes in when playing really fast passages that i want to sounds more fluid or legato like. But when i want that pick on the end of a power drill sound its alt all the way.

Good Luck !!!!
As a guy that can do both.....


You wont regret it, there is no right or wrong way to do anything excpet for limiting yourself by only learning one or the other. depending on what you play your style will dictate how you pick it.

My economy usually comes in when playing really fast passages that i want to sounds more fluid or legato like. But when i want that pick on the end of a power drill sound its alt all the way.

Good Luck !!!!

exactly what Jason said, learn them both. It helps a lot, seriously.
i'm trying to learn both. But here is the problem with alt picking. Can someone show me how to alt pick on time. I can't get the damn 8th notes with a metronome going through a scale. with economy picking i can't get them either, i can just get triplets. I can do al picked 8th notes with a metronome with palm mute on an open string:lol: someone please explain this shit to me. I'm tapping my foot along the metronome's beat and i'm picking one note when my foot is up and the other when it is down, but i'm not going anywhere. pls help
I spent a lot of time on economy and alternate picking, and I haven't used economy picking in a long time. Alternate picking just sounds and feels better so I haven't anything to say about economy.

As for your timing problem, tinker with the metronome some more - it's there to make you feel like a horrible guitarist, so now we know we're getting our money's worth out of it. Even worse than what you're doing, try bumping the metronome speed up to double whatever it is now and doing quarter notes to that beat - hit the click or DIE... I mean, erm, feel a little bad about it but use it as an opportunity for learning. Also try going from a bar or two of quarter notes downpicked to a bar or two of quarter notes alternate picked, and then a bar or two of quarter notes down picked to a bar or two of eighth notes alternate picked.

i'm trying to learn both. But here is the problem with alt picking. Can someone show me how to alt pick on time. I can't get the damn 8th notes with a metronome going through a scale. with economy picking i can't get them either, i can just get triplets. I can do al picked 8th notes with a metronome with palm mute on an open string:lol: someone please explain this shit to me. I'm tapping my foot along the metronome's beat and i'm picking one note when my foot is up and the other when it is down, but i'm not going anywhere. pls help

Getting things together to start up these internet lessons here real soon, so hang on man!:rock: :rock: :rock: