How do you finger this lick?


Rome 64 C.E.
May 17, 2006
Hi everyone.

So I have a few fingering questions on a few licks and I would like to ask you guys and Steve on how to finger them properly before I learn them the wrong way.
The first question
The Natural Minor Scale on 5 strings, 2 octaves, 3 nps (I already knew the shape long time, but didn't bother to learn to play it fast, just slow improv kinda shit at school. I tried to use it with a fingering pattern for legatto in the second solo competition)so, D natural minor ( i tune one step down)

for the pattern on the 2nd and third string, the 7-9-10 the fingering seems obvious 1-3-4
for the 7-9-11, should i use 1-2-4 or 1-3-4?
I intend to practice this shape with both alt picking/economy picking and legatto with picking the first note in each patter per string. for the parts on the top 3 strings.

The second lick is a string skipping one that I intend to practice with both legatto and alt picking in the key of F harmonic minor.
Tab is for D standard again


Muchas Gracias!!!
Hi everyone.

So I have a few fingering questions on a few licks and I would like to ask you guys and Steve on how to finger them properly before I learn them the wrong way.
The first question
The Natural Minor Scale on 5 strings, 2 octaves, 3 nps (I already knew the shape long time, but didn't bother to learn to play it fast, just slow improv kinda shit at school. I tried to use it with a fingering pattern for legatto in the second solo competition)so, D natural minor ( i tune one step down)

for the pattern on the 2nd and third string, the 7-9-10 the fingering seems obvious 1-3-4
for the 7-9-11, should i use 1-2-4 or 1-3-4?
I intend to practice this shape with both alt picking/economy picking and legatto with picking the first note in each patter per string. for the parts on the top 3 strings.

The second lick is a string skipping one that I intend to practice with both legatto and alt picking in the key of F harmonic minor.
Tab is for D standard again


Muchas Gracias!!!

Hey Paul,
For the scale, I suggest using 1-3-4 or 1-2-3 for the A&D strings, and 1-2-4 for the rest. Try going through both ways of doing this, and also try finding the rest of those notes as modes, on the same strings as well. As for a picking approach, my suggestion would be try every approach you mentioned. Better to have all the options.
For the lick, try this fingering: 3-2-1,4-2-1,4-2-1,4-3-1 Splits it up between the fingers a little easier,I've always found. Again, all picking options as well, and try to find those same notes down the neck as well, and on other strings, and other octaves. Hope that helps!:rock: :rock: :rock:
Cant get better advice then that!
I was gonna suggest learning it all the different ways you can, it improves your technique and makes new shapes alot easier to adapt to. Again, move it around the neck (different positions same notes, or in different octaves) and see where your strong and weak points lie. Work on the weak points in practicing and play it the easiest way performing. Dont forget to warm up properly and ease into it.

I've recently discovered I dont stretch in between fingers 2 and 3 much. On different strings yeah I can go alright, but say 7-9 on the b string feels weird. Anyone else in the same boat? I can see now thats where my 4note legato runs come unstuck!
Hey Paul,
For the scale, I suggest using 1-3-4 or 1-2-3 for the A&D strings, and 1-2-4 for the rest. Try going through both ways of doing this, and also try finding the rest of those notes as modes, on the same strings as well. As for a picking approach, my suggestion would be try every approach you mentioned. Better to have all the options.
For the lick, try this fingering: 3-2-1,4-2-1,4-2-1,4-3-1 Splits it up between the fingers a little easier,I've always found. Again, all picking options as well, and try to find those same notes down the neck as well, and on other strings, and other octaves. Hope that helps!:rock: :rock: :rock:
Hey Steve,
Thank you for the reply. It is very helpful:rock: :rock: :kickass: I'm gonna get to practicing these licks and scales with the fingerings you recommended:rock: