ECW Wrestler Chris Benoit and Family Found Dead


May 12, 2007
Harker Heights, Texas
For you who haven't heard, former WWE wrestling champion, Chris Benoit and his family were found dead in his Atlanta home. Details were sketchy at first, but now the police are ruling it a murder/suicide. Reportedly, Benoit strangled his wife, Nancy (formerly known as Woman in WCW), smothered his son, Daniel with a pillow then hung hisself in his weight room. Rumor has it, he had roid rage.

It's seriously a W-T-F case because when I used to watch ecw/wcw/and wwe back when it was wwf, he was one of my faves and even off the mat in interviews, benoit seemed like a pretty calm, collected kind of guy.

I was paying attention to this last night. At first everyone was posting tributes to him, then they took most of them down after it was announced murder/suicide. :\

Why can't the shitty wrestlers die?
heard about it too. Watched alot of wcw when I was younger untill they didn't show it on tv no more. I liked Chris but Goldberg was always my favorite