Allright, if you've listened to the Sampler discs yet, you'll know what Dendura sounds like. Allow me to say, that was a WEEEEAAAAK sample of their material! Not only because of songwriting, but sound-quality as well. They will be far heavier, and much more exotic in their sound once you catch them tonight.
Miles Beyond is on as well, and I gotta fill in on bass for them tonight. I'M SHARING MY FAVORITE STAGE WITH TOBIAS FUCKING SAMMETT!!! You should remember their sampler disc song "A Call To Odin" from a few years back, and seeing them at Swordlord's productions with Gamma Ray and Kamelot. Folks, if I didn't already have a band that I loved, I'd jump on board with MB instantly. Easily my favorite band in all of Michigan, and they truly deserve to hit the big time. Just wait until they release their second album, it's a huuuuge sound! Can you tell I'm biased???
I'm still not even sure who the hell is actually touring with Edguy for tonight, last word we got was Susperia, not Echoes of Eternity. I'm clueless. I'm walking in blind and deaf in either case, and plan on a pleasant suprise.
Andy Laudano is apparently camped out in a hotel room as I type this, hopefully Detroit Metro Airport's customs officers didn't send his ass back to Amsterdam or something. I'ma get the fuck outta work ASAP, load my gear, grab him from his hotel and haul ass in the name of METAAAAAAAL!!! That poor soul, he knows not what will happen to him tonight....

Lemme know if you're coming to the show. I know Connie is making it, Erik from Windsor, I think Ed, and aww CRAP I forgot who else said they were planning it.... ARGH fuck work I need to be blasting more Pagan's Mind damnit... oh the day when I can say "Hey come see the Pagan's Mind show in Detroit with me!"
Those who are on the fence about making the drive to the show tonight, Miles Beyond will have very discounted tickets to sell outside! You'll get your socks rocked, and we can relive the weekend for one more night!!!
John, you've still got time to book a flight, you wussy!!!
Miles Beyond is on as well, and I gotta fill in on bass for them tonight. I'M SHARING MY FAVORITE STAGE WITH TOBIAS FUCKING SAMMETT!!! You should remember their sampler disc song "A Call To Odin" from a few years back, and seeing them at Swordlord's productions with Gamma Ray and Kamelot. Folks, if I didn't already have a band that I loved, I'd jump on board with MB instantly. Easily my favorite band in all of Michigan, and they truly deserve to hit the big time. Just wait until they release their second album, it's a huuuuge sound! Can you tell I'm biased???
I'm still not even sure who the hell is actually touring with Edguy for tonight, last word we got was Susperia, not Echoes of Eternity. I'm clueless. I'm walking in blind and deaf in either case, and plan on a pleasant suprise.
Andy Laudano is apparently camped out in a hotel room as I type this, hopefully Detroit Metro Airport's customs officers didn't send his ass back to Amsterdam or something. I'ma get the fuck outta work ASAP, load my gear, grab him from his hotel and haul ass in the name of METAAAAAAAL!!! That poor soul, he knows not what will happen to him tonight....

Lemme know if you're coming to the show. I know Connie is making it, Erik from Windsor, I think Ed, and aww CRAP I forgot who else said they were planning it.... ARGH fuck work I need to be blasting more Pagan's Mind damnit... oh the day when I can say "Hey come see the Pagan's Mind show in Detroit with me!"
Those who are on the fence about making the drive to the show tonight, Miles Beyond will have very discounted tickets to sell outside! You'll get your socks rocked, and we can relive the weekend for one more night!!!
John, you've still got time to book a flight, you wussy!!!