Editing Tom bleed


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
How do you guys cut out the bleed in the tom mics? I've decided to manually edit them but was wondering what to do in an instance where the toms hit but then there is a huge crash or snare soon after that is very noticable in the toms? Do you cut it out or wait until the toms decay all the way? Seems either way isn't ideal. I'm either cutting the decay on the toms or letting huge bleed in where it might sound weird if I have bleed until the toms decay and then cut out everything until the next tom hit.
I cut them by hand and fade them out. fades out pretty hard on the close mics but the overheads generally give them a really big feel, with the close mics playing more of an attack role, rather than tambre. Add a splash of reverb and your groovey.
If you really want to get creative you can cut the toms into two tracks, one for high end and one for low end - fade the high end track out faster to reduce bleed and leave the low end track in for resonance.
Blah.. always the worst issue. I always take samples of the kit and replace the last hit in every tom roll. I think most people do? But if I've been sent something that doesn't allow me to do this. Then it's usually a hard fade. That's usually the best you can do.
Sometimes I like to use some of my own tom samples blended in for some body/ resonance if the bleed is too noticeable, so that might be another idea?
thanks guys. The hard fade is what I've been doing along with reverb. I figured with the overheads it's not a big deal. As far as replacing it, that's a good idea as well. Might try that. How do you guys pan toms when you mic them in pairs? I miked the two rack toms with one mic and the two floor with another since I didn't have enough mic pres.
In that situation I would pan the racks to the left a little and the floors to the right a little (drummer's perspective), maybe like 30% max or so both ways. I also manually cut and fade them all, let the OH/room tracks add back what's missing for the most part, plus reverb on the tom bus as well.
would you edit both together? For instance if there was a time when only the floor toms played or if there is a floor tom and then a rack tom after would you have them both cut after at the same spot or just treat them both differently?