Effects on vocals

Ok so I need some help with vocals.
Usually in the past I threw hall/room reverbs on the vocals so they were good for singers like Warrel Dane.
But if you have to work with a guy with a voice like phil anselmo or the singer in Divine Heresy, what would you do?
I think hall or room reverb is too much, no reverb at all it kinda sucks, chorus kinda sucks too.
I don't know where to start, can you help me lads?

The other thing I'd suggest is as far as tracking goes: Make sure you choose the right mic that gets the most aggressive sound out the mic. Also I'd recommend layering up vocals in places where it fits in the song; to give strength and emphasize certain parts, and also to keep the vocal track interesting. Doing this at least gives you the opportunity to use stuff like panning.

Good luck!
Ok 3 days ago I did this mix
vocals start at 00:40

Well I used a reverb this way

I think that's too much, well I think I'm gonna use distortion and a delay.
I hate this kind reverb I used on that mp3.... I have to fix that stuff ;)
as a reference take "mouth for war" "walk" "fucking hostile" by pantera

EDIT: listening to Walk it seems the vocals are totally dry and they fucking slay! I mean he layers just when he says
"Hold your mouth for the war" and "speak the truth about me"
those vocals are "kick ass-ness" ahahha I fucking love what Terry Date did
Totally dry with a subtle slapback can work. Or a small plate just to beef them up. You've got to be very subtle. Enough for the effect to sink the vocal into the ambiance of the mix, but not so much to actually be heard as an effect.
are you using the efx as an insert or a send....because lookin at your S/S.....you have the mix at 8% and as a send it should be at 100% wet.
sorry i was looking at the wrong s/s but still, on a send you should have at 100% wet....by the way nice mix
Nice mix actually. May be you can raise the volume of the vocal if you want it more Panterish.
By the way, IMHO it will sound better if you gate the snare with low rls.
use studio impulses in waves IR - sound really awesome or use wizoo verb!
nearly every track i do, i at least do the same effect to the vocals..

1) duplicate the track
2) pan one hard left and on hard right
3) on the second track (in cubase) look to the left were you have the volume for a track and pan.... look at the think underneath... move it so it says ''0.13'' or maybe abit more if you like to about ''0.38''

it basicaly makes one of the hard panned channels play a little bit after the other side

you get this nice sterio delay effect, sound wicked!

ALTHOUGH.... you need to check for phase issues, say if you put the track onto a mobile mp3 to play out loud, it will come out in mono, and the vocals will have massive phase problems,, as i found out yesterday! hahhahaha

maybe try get your vocalist to whisper the lyrics under his original take..

you could look into a little bit of reverse reverb, but only very very suttle!!!

i dunno.. just experiment
I tend to do about an 8% or less mix of a plate verb with a quick decay or a subtle slapback. I also like to have the vocalist double up the entire vocal line and then add even more layers to add dynamics in places where it's called for (like choruses, etc.). This seems to add the most natural thickness, much the same way quad tracking guitars do. From there I just compress and then add that touch of verb. If I'm looking to add more effects, I tend to do it on duped tracks or layered takes and keep the mains completely clean of effects (save for the comp and touch of verb). When double tracking the vocals, I also like to use a nice sounding condenser and then a "grittier" dynamic (like a 57 or something) and then blend those to taste. For me, I've found I can get the effect I want without having to use plugs to get there.
I like to use delays and plates.

I'll use a short + long plate or just a medium plate. Sometimes delay instead of verb. Whatever works...

Use your sends/returns for this stuff. You'll want all of the vocals going to the same verb(s). The same goes for drums, etc. You're trying to create a space for those elements to exist in.

For someone that sounds like Anselmo, I definitely wouldn't be trying to put him in a hall!

I've been demoing the new Massey TD5 Tape Delay on vocals. After about 5 minutes, I realized I'm going to have to buy it. He already earned my money for the rest of his plugins, damn him!