Electrical Gear - Voltage Differences!?!?


Jun 23, 2009
Toowoomba , Australia
Just say we buy shit from each other etc
If I get a preamp or something from the USA, WHAT DO I NEED TO DO to get it to work on 240v?
It would be fucking AWESOME to get some grouse exchange set up between American and Australian forumers so us unfortunate folk could bask in the beauty of zzounds, etc at a small charge =)
Only problem is the voltage differences.
Address plz
You need a step-up transformer that is matched with the guitar amp (center tap provides n volts, and the current is matched). If it's not matched, the amp will receive overcurrent/voltage (possibly burning components), or undercurrent/voltage (distorting the sound in a bad way). That's as far as I know, but should get you started.

The device is like this:

But you need one that has the correct power inlet/outlet jacks in it, depending on your country. That one does mention Australia, but I think you'd be better off asking from an electronics store where you live, so it will be correct.

Then again, it makes me wonder. There must be some reason why people don't use these devices on a wide-scale basis, especially when you can get (for example) Mesa amps at half the price from the US, even after VAT and toll.
Thing is, it's not only the voltage that is different, also the frequency.. 60Hz for USA, 50Hz for Europe, I dont know Australia, but i guess you need to switch the powersupply inside the unit.
So i don't think a simple voltage converter would work, you should also have a frequency converter.
Voltage converter or 230v main transformer for replace your actual 130v main transformer.

For amp one rule: when you have a 100w tube amplifier you need a 300w voltage converter minimum;)
Yeah, most electronic equipment on the back says the amount of power it actually draws, I think my Dual Rec is something like 450 watts! :yow:
Yeah, most electronic equipment on the back says the amount of power it actually draws, I think my Dual Rec is something like 450 watts! :yow:

Yes, it's why I order a 500w voltage converter (I search a Shumacher main transformer actually and I hear something like Mesa have always this on stock:D)...
A very rough rule of thumb with wattage is multiply the fuse value by voltage for wattage.