Ambitions/Gear/Projects for 2009?

I'm not buying anything. Worrying about new gear has always interfered with just making music. No more of that.
I've been working on a concept album of sorts for a while, I'd like to finish that this coming year. Probably won't happen.

I want to build another guitar or three.
My ambition - stop buying so much gear. Next on the list would be to finish a 5 song EP and put it out there, play some shows if people like it, all the while recording more of my own stuff.
some projects for next year:

-Wichita Falls (Ger)
-Leet (Ger)
-Rude Revelation (Luxemburg)
-Seduced By Violence (Ger)
-Raised By Silence (Ger)
-Halcyon Way (USA)
-Jesus' Haircut (Ger)
-thündefänny (!!!)
-Randalekind (ger)
-Dead Remains (Ger)
-Longed For Fusion (Ger)
- Lucy's Doll (Aus)

and likely some other stuff that I'm not allowed to/shouldn't to talk about yet

so...busy year again...wish I could pay my rent, lol...should raise my rates ;)
1) build a couple of amps for myself (a Tiny Terror is on the way, and a XTC in the near future)
2) trying to find fun again playing guitar and maybe record a demo with my maybe-band
3) re-learn to play guitar like i did a couple years ago (and maybe play drums better)
4) fix my car ehhehe

Btw, do you guys who want a U87 really dig it ? We have one at the studio and, i dunno, I dont find it to be the so awesome mic everyoen talks about. YEah, its a great mic, but not worth the price difference from a AkG 414, or a cheaper Neumman (or a Sm7 \m/ )
In no particular order:

1. Get a Blackstar cab ad a decent poweramp for my SansAmp.
2. Buy an electric drumkit
3. Upgrade the daw and get a bass.

OR do something completely different:

4. Get a new laptop, mac or frost, + a new interface/mixer with lots of inputs and a slew of mics. Use that stuff to start "getting out there" and record bands (Specifically, drums). Do live recordings, etc. Doing everything and cutting/pasting it together on a computer can be fun too, and very practical, but I think I would learn ALOT more about recording "for real" by actually getting out there and be doing it.
Yammie hs-80's with stands
Tbone rb 500, rn700 and rb100 ribbon mics
more sm57's
new guitar (prob LP)
protools 8
more fx pedals. I freaking love pedulz

A promotional EP for a local Hardcore band (they're pretty big down here so i hope it will open some doors for me)
Record the demo of my new Doom/Sludge band

Personal life:
finally get my drivers license, i'm sick of begin dependent on other people
eat more healthy food, 2x burger king a week isn't all that nice but it's damn tasty
Quiting my office job, moving to Sweden - Gothenburg (from Englnd) to start over (scarrrrry stuff).

Leaving a job and moving country in this current economic situation is not going to be fun, but no one said live is easy.

Once in the land of Swede im going to be hunting down my contacts and pleading to get work.

Already been over bout 10 times, have worked in a guitar shop and studio already, so i have some limited connections.

No gear aspirations, just need money for rent then im a happy chappy:lol:
These are somewhat in a priority order.

Get my custom 8-string finally built
New bass or perhaps two (if I get the custom 8 I really want something I can tune to around F#-E)
New head & cab (Diezel & Orange probably!)
And I'll probably go through about 20 "stock" guitars again... goddamn GAS

Recording gear:
Redeye for reamping
Mic pre
New mics (I'm thinking another SM57, Audix I5 or two, Audix D6)
New DAW (probably Logic, if I like it more than Reaper)
Fireface 400 or 800?

And I hope to record shitloads more, now that I actually finally have some gear that I can record with.
Personally, I need to get the fuck out of the job I have. I've been there for 2 years and it's been under less-than-suitable circumstances: they stuffed me on graveyard shift from the get go. The fact that I don't have time to do anything without the sacrifice of sleep or being limited to when I have to go to work has eaten up not only my lifestyle as a musican but in general. Getting into a morning shift job would suit my sanity just fine...

As far as gear, I'd like to get some monitors so I can ditch the cans for mixing. I'd like to get the shit for my main computer (the one EtherForBreakfast suggested for building about 2 years ago) running again because my ram ate a dick. I basically bought another system, more or less, trying to figure out what the fuck was happening with my comp and got down to it being the ram, so I used the stuff I had before to refine the guts in my "old" comp though using what was left of that same memory...which eventually burned up. So now I do EVERYTHING on my fukkin laptop and have 2 computers waiting to be juiced again. Grr....
I could go for some new axes, and I mentioned what I want to do with my amp rig in another thread (Ground Control w. Rack/ISP Decimator/X2 wireless).
So far, though, all the gear in the world can wait compared to getting a new place to practice/record, because our band is basically dead based on not having a place to rehearse.

For projects, since most of the stuff I've been doing has involved going to the bands and recording them in thier practice space...usually pretty far from where I live also...I just hope I get some work this year. Not that I fear of not for any reason, but one can only hope for more. So far, I've only had one strike out for being hired to record a band, and Im not suprised since they were a bunch of kids.
-New PC (but that is probably going to happen this month already)
-Sell some of my guitars and pedals to buy a good accoustic (still open for suggestions, thinking about Landola or Martin) and a strat or gretsch with bigsby
-Another SM57, Studio Project B-1 or C-1 and one of those Thomann ribbons (if financially things are going well i might also get a MD-421)
-Peavey Firebass or something similar + Ampeg SVT 4x10 cab
-Chandler/Tubeworks/Butler Tube Driver
-Redeye DI/reamp
-Cheap/mid price Precision bass for some more variety in bass tones (not sure which one to get yet, but definitely all passive)
-If left some money after all this I like to get some nice guitar preamps (thinking about Marshall JMP-1, Mesa Boogie Studio or Quad and Soldano SP-77) or something like an old Laney or Marshall head.
-Avalon U-5 (probably not going to happen)

-Record a promo with my band and do some live shows
-Finish the 5 songs I'm working on for my solo project and find some additional singers
-Record some new drone/sludge stuff with another project

Personal stuff
-Get my Master's Degree
-Find some way of generating more income to cope with GAS :lol:
Upcoming Projects or soon to be released (which will probably be 2009..):

Dodning - Mcd
Blood I Bleed - Gods Out Of Monsters - Cd
Elexorien - Single


DrDoom - full length
My own Stoner project.. - Mcd
Lugubre - full length
Dimeaon - full length
Ortega - Full length
Stir Up Hatred - Demo
Blood I bleed - Split with massgrav
FUBAR - Split
Suppository - Last fulllength

And i probably forgot some.

- i'll be on tour with fuck the facts and antigama for 2 weeks in feb for 2 weeks with my band drdoom, should be cool...

- I'm moving to groningen and will be doing so with my girlfriend.

- And once i'm in groningen its off looking for a space to build a studio which i'll probably do together with Black neon Robert.

And on my gearlist is:

Stereo pair C451's
Ampeg 8x10.
Hi end (minimum) 2 channel preamp (chandler/a-designs/neve knock off/Universal audio)
New monitors.. maybe some ns-10's.

we'll see what happens!
i'm going to build my first guitar, and save my pennies for a Fractal Audio Axe-Fx Ultra. :kickass:
Quiting my office job, moving to Sweden - Gothenburg (from Englnd) to start over (scarrrrry stuff).

Leaving a job and moving country in this current economic situation is not going to be fun, but no one said live is easy.

Once in the land of Swede im going to be hunting down my contacts and pleading to get work.

Already been over bout 10 times, have worked in a guitar shop and studio already, so i have some limited connections.

No gear aspirations, just need money for rent then im a happy chappy:lol:

Welcome to Sweden. :)