
Why do you say?

You can make bank on that shit, you might not even get a job otherwise, you could get a job, but you won't make any money, some crap job ,you could go to college and have to pay loans and shit and you might not have a job, and you will make more money,so you might aswell do it, you get paid a lot of money for being an electrician ,if you know how to do it, invest your life into it.
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there is some wisdom in this

kind of comes down to if you value money or education more. You can always change later too. Just don't electrocute yourself
If you got a decent opportunity, just might aswell do it and get it done, get a house in the middle of the woods with a dog or something. I'm not an educated person, i'm not against it, it's not for me, i don't judge people, but there's 40 year olds that live in their parents house and they owe 2 hundred grand. Not saying this happens to everyone that likes education, who cares if your iq is 160 when you never moved out of your bedroom, maybe it's better that way, who knows.
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IHere's the reality, you're going to go in as an apprentice doing bitch work. You're going to pull wire, you're going to carry shit, you might wire up simple things like outlets or maybe a fire alarm or something, or if you're really unlucky... you might get handed a shovel to dig ditches for conduit.

I have an apprentice following me around. I mostly have him do stuff like mount cable ladders and pull wire over them, and clean up at the end of the day. He's in his second year and I always feel iffy about having him work with anything circuitry related, because I'll have to go over it anyway just to be sure. That's why being an apprentice sucks.
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On the subject, when we first moved into this apartment Comcast did a jank as fuck job setting us up with an extra transformer? Idk this shit but it boosts whatever basic cable signal the apartment already had because he said it wouldn't work for our tv. First apartment, we're like durrr ok. It's just a large gray box for various wiring dangling by the coax.

And of course that has finally broken now, wire pulled right out of the socket, so I just spent an hour stripping a piece of wire that only extends about 4 inches out of the wall with a pair of dull scissors, from underneath a large table with an immovable aquarium on top of it, and shoving one of those tool-free end pieces on in a very uncomfortable position, to get it to the stupid ass 'line in'.And the end piece I bought itself is jank as fuck so I still had to secure it with electric tape.

Long story short, there's kahlua in my coffee this fine morning and you should never ever do a shitty job because it ruins lives.
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Any already electricians here? Any advice?