Electrovomit – Ens Perfectum


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Electrovomit – Ens Perfectum
Self Released – Demo 2002
By Russell Garwood

“Ens Perfectum” marks the return of David Raven under the Electrovomit moniker, with more hardcore electronic experimentation. On his latest demo the minimal gabber, electronic noisecore and digital hardcore elements are still present. However, in comparison to “State Of Infinite Collapse” and “To The Depths” the similarities to early industrial acts such as Throbbing Gristle are less prominent. “Ens Perfectum” also marks an increased use of non-programmed sounds (suitably distorted); the majority of the songs have at least one guitar line.

There are, of course, the ever-present digital sounds (drones, white noise, wails, beeps etc.), but also more noticeable than in Electrovomit’s earlier releases are acoustic guitar and melody. Opener “Homeworld Defenders” contains heavily distorted guitars, white noise and distorted synths, which create a disjointed, eerie feel. “Macrocosmic War Machines” consists of numerous, simultaneous guitar lines, and occasional digital sound effects.

“Solar Consciousness” is one of the more melodic tracks on the album, the acoustic guitar arpeggios underlying the electronics throughout the song until the crescendo at the end. “Gravitational Warfare” introduces slight gabber and digital noisecore influences, while “The Singularity Engine” is just sinister noise. The demo closes with “A Random Trajectory Through Dead Space” which consists solely of a bass drone.

As with much hardcore electronic music, Electrovomit is an acquired taste, but the sheer extremity of the music means it will attract many metal fans (especially those of the Khanate school of extreme doom). I would still like to see more defined song structures and perhaps more melody, but “Ens Perfectum” is an improvement on “State Of Infinite Collapse” and “To The Depths”, and if this continues Electrovomit could become a ground-breaking band.