Halo – Guattari (From The West Flows Grey Ash And Pestilence)


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Halo – Guattari (From The West Flows Grey Ash And Pestilence)
Relapse – 2002
By Russell Garwood

Halo are a two piece noise outfit from Australia; R. Allen and S. Klein write and perform everything. The noises emanating from the duo’s collective subconscious can best be described as industrial-sludge-noisecore, but there are extreme doom, digital hardcore, drone and various other extreme electronic elements in the gloomy depths of their pitch black “anti-music”. The seven tracks making up “Guittari” comprise heavily distorted drone bass, slow (read <20bpm) drums, white noise and samples over screamed vox, making some of the sickest mechanized, caustic noise around.

The nearest comparisons I can find for Halo’s music have to be early Swans, Godflesh, Disembowelment, and, on the electronic side of things, Throbbing Gristle. Parallels can also be drawn with extreme doomsters like sun O))) and Khanate, but I find the songs on “Guittari” more effective, darker and generally more chilling. Standouts include tortuous opener “Rise”, and the dense extremity of “Now Hollow”, but from the almost noise/ambient of “Wasps Encircle The Shroud” to the aptly titled dirge “20,000 Tonnes Of Machinery To Smash Matter” the music is uncompromisingly harsh.

“Guitarri” is by no means easy listening – it is at times disturbing, twisted, and always relentless in its onslaught, but at the same time makes you want to listen over and over again like a moth attracted to a deadly flame. Murky production intensifies the pitch black atmosphere but could be off-putting for some. Halo will appeal to select extreme doom and hardcore electronica fans, but is most definitely an acquired taste.