Eliminating Bad Breath and virtually eliminating any future cavities or gum disease is something that is so simple to do, and cost so little, yet why do you think no one has ever told you how before? Do you know how much money dentist and companies that produce Bad Breath products would loose if you knew? I am not talking about using over the counter mouth wash, gums, or mints. I am talking about Emilinating Bad Breath forever, and the only way to this, is to change the environment in your mouth from one that supports the growth of the VSC-producing bacteria (Bad Breath Bacteria) to one that will not. I know the post is long, but I will show you how you can eliminate your Bad Breath forever.

So....What Causes Bad Breath? I know, who cares why you have BB. You just want to know how to get rid of it, right? It’s important to have a little understanding of why in order to avoid and eliminate BB. 99% of all bad breath is cause by anaerobic bacteria found in your mouth. As a byproduct of their normal function, they excrete a variety of sulfur compounds. These compounds are very foul smelling. They include hydrogen sulfide (the smell of rotting eggs) and methyl mercaptan (the essence of skunk oil). Together, they are all commonly referred to as Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs). Everyone has some level of unpleasant VSCs present in their breath. Fortunately, low levels of these smelly compounds can’t be detected by the human nose. However, sometime the number of VSC-producing bacteria in the mouth can increase dramatically there by causing high levels of VSC witch can now be detected by the human noise, and as such, Bad Breath. This is a short version as to why. I don’t think we need to go into it any further. Ok, enough with the science lesson. Let’s get on to learning how to get rid of it.

I must point out here that bad breath is usually not caused by poor dental hygiene, in spite of what your dentist might say. You can brush your teeth all day long and probably still have bad breath.

As I mentioned earlier, the BB bacteria’s are “anaerobic” witch means that they thrive in a low-oxygen environment. The only way to insure that you can permanently eliminate bad breath is to change the environment in your mouth from one that supports the growth of the VSC-producing bacteria to one that will not. How do you achieve this? You introduce a high amount of oxygen into the place where the bacteria “hang-out”.

This is what you need:

1. Tooth Brush and Tooth paste (I personally like Colgate Total, but it’s a matter of

2. Floss or Floss tape (I prefer using the flossing tape. Does a better job, and isn’t as hard
on my gums)

3. Tongue Scraper (if you don’t have one, you can use your tooth brush for now).

4. Hydrogen Peroxide 3% solution (do not get higher then 3%)

5. Baking soda

6. Salt

7. Two clean glasses

You should perform the following Steps 1-5 twice a day. Once in the morning, and once at night (exception of Step 1, which should only be done once a day).

Step 1: Floss
I know, it’s a pain in the ass and I personally don’t like doing it. But it’s important that you do. Try and do it once a day. If you can’t do it once a day, at least every second day. If you haven’t flossed regularly before, then you may notice your gums may bleed. That’s normal, and it’s nothing to worry about. The reason they bleed is because you have weak gums cause by bacteria. Keep flossing. Your gums will get stronger and eventual stop bleeding. Using floss tape instead of regular floss will be more gentle on your gums, and in my opinion, does a better job.

Step 2: Brushing Your Teeth
Basic stuff. Most people here know how to brush their teeth. Just make sure you brush your teeth thoroughly. Spend 1-2 minute brushing all areas of your mouth. Top, bottom, sides, back and front of your teeth. Leave no area unbrushed (except your tongue as we will discuss in step three).

Step 3: Tongue Cleaning
Most of the BB casing bacteria live on your tongue and at the back of your throat, so it is very important to make sure you clean your tongue thoroughly. You should pay particular attention to the back of your tongue. There are two methods you can do this. One, is using a tongue scraper. They are cheap (only a couple of $$) to buy. For this explanation, Ill assume you are using a tooth brush (though if you have a tongue scraper, use it in the same way). The reason you want to scrape the tongue is to get the mucous and other materials from the surface off your tongue, and to expose the BB bacteria for Step number four. The proper way to scrape your tongue is in a BACK TO FOWARD motion. Do not scrape from front to back. Take your tooth brush, go as far back on your tongue as you can without choking yourself, and gently, but firmly brush your tongue in a back to forward motion. About a dozen scrapes should be sufficient.

Step 4: Bad Breath Killer
Until now, all the steps have mostly been common sense. Step 4 is the Bad Breath bacteria killer! What you need is Hydrogen Peroxide (I’ll call it HP for now). HP or H2O2 is a liquid that is made up of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. It looks just like water but has that extra oxygen molecule which makes it a powerful oxidizer. You can buy it in many different concentration from 3% - 99%. You only want to use the 3%. Anything higher is too strong. You can buy this at any drug store, and only cost about 1$ - 3$ for 500ml bottle.

This is what you do. Get a clean glass with 1 part water. (for this example, I’ll use 25ml as one part water) Add salt to the water. (the salt is use as an abrasive) Add one part HP (25ml for this example) into the salty water mix. Take the solution, and simply gargle and swish it around your mouth for minimum of 1 minute. Two minutes is ideal though. Use a stop watch if you have to. Make sure you gargle well to get to your back of your throat where a lot of the BB bacteria grow. Then spit it out and rinse with plain water. You don’t want to swallow the HP mix.

Step 5: Changing The Environment
Get some baking Soda. Don’t take the one that’s sitting in that back of your fridge absorbing all the bad odors lol…. Baking soda is very alkaline (the opposite to acidic) and as such, will lower the acidity of your mouth, which will create an environment opposite of what BB bacteria thrive in. Mix 3 parts baking soda with one part salt. Get a clean glass. Mix the baking soda/salt with one part water. Do the same as step four. Gargle and swish it around your mouth for at least one minute, two minutes is ideal. Again, use a stop watch if you have to. Spit it out once you done, and rinse with water.

Tip: When "gargling" in Step 4 - 5 to reach the far back regions of your throat, tilt your head back, open your mouth wide, and try sticking your tongue out when you gargle. This will open up the back of your throat, and let you clean the back of your throat that you normally wouldn’t be able to reach. To me, this is very easy to do, but when you first try it, some people may have trouble and find that it makes them choke. Just go easy when you first try this. Tilt your head back, start gargling. Then slowly open your mouth until you feel comfortable. Then slowly stick your tongue out until you feel comfortable. Should be easy for most people to do.

Perform steps 1-5 twice a day, (except for flossing witch should be done once a day) or right before you go out gaming. That’s it! Should only take about 5 min. One thing to remember, this is not a I’ll do it once, and my BB will be gone. The goal here is to change the environment of your mouth so BB bacteria can’t survive. It may take a few day’s, or if you have severe bad breath, it may take a week. But use it twice a day, everyday, and you WILL ELIMINATE your bad breath forever, and virtually eliminate any future cavities and
gum disease.

Without getting technical, cavities are caused by bacteria witch eat away at your tooth. Step 4 and 5 in conjuction with Step's 1-3 will work miracles at preventing you from ever getting another cavity and virtually eliminate your chances of getting gum disease by killing those batteries that cause the problem. I used to brush twice a day, everyday and floss regularly. But yet I would still always get cavities no matter what I did. Since I started using Step 4 and 5, I haven’t had a cavity in years.

Before I finish, I just want to point out a few more thing you should do to keep your BB
down. BB bacteria thrive in a Dry mouth, so keep your mouth wet. Make sure you drink lot’s of water. Try not to breath out of your mouth, try not to spit to much, as saliva help keep BB down. Gum helps to keep your mouth salivated as well, but if you have BB, gum will not get rid of it, only mask it. Don’t use strong mints. Kissing someone with a strong mint breath is not always pleasant. People take these thinking it will freshen your breath. The freshest breath you can have is no smell at all. Follow this guide, and that’s what you will have. Stay away from mouth wash such as Listerine and Scope. They claim to kill bad breath causing bacteria. Can you say Scam? They do not work. I could write an entire article on why, but I won’t get into that. They also have a strong smell that I personally don’t like. Kissing someone after they use Listerine is nasty! Stay away from over the counter mouth wash! Obviously, smoking is very bad for your breath as well.

I hope this help's you guy’s out.
We are in the off topic forum after all so... what's all the whine about a random post? :D

This is very informative, thanks!
Another option is to stop being a shit-eating spammer.

(The spamming thing probably doesn't hurt so much, apart from the resulting tendency to eat shit for no apparent reason, but it's not a particularly good idea anyway... but definitely stop eating shit. That's just weird, and there's no way it helps your breath.)
