Elitist Website!

I know I know... Actually, the date should be December but I think Mark overlooked that when he did the last update. Still not exactly current though..

It was Mark (ex UM) who used to do the updates for me and now he's disappeared off of the face of the earth. I have everything ready to go for the new news / bands / releases, etc, but I'm too much of a retard to do it myself.

Mark!! Where are you??? :yell:
Very new news!!!!
New news!!!
A bit older news!!
Old news!
Very old news.
It's Winter Solstice fello'!! What kind of summer is it with +10C and raining cats and dogs??
:Sonm prepares for another black mass...
Wales! That's good my young friend. But does it make a big difference? I mean Wales and England, since you speak the same language! No offence tho. I really don't know what kind of relationship there are between two peoples:)
Nos da!! That's russian, my friend! That means = nose, yes! I have never heard of russians in Wales. Coool!! I might be going over there soon!
Off the face of the earth?! Hardly, my old china - I'm only an email away!! :)

Drop me a line at my btopenworld.com address if you have it... mahke@... btopenworld.com ;)
Ahh.. I've been sending to the UK address :). How have you been, you bugger?

I think I have it under contol now though. But I wouldn't mind the fonts you used if poss (and I might have to pick your brain once or twice too)? Nice one!
