Eluveitie's Pagan Fest USA Setlist (Mokena Show)

I hate melo death as much as the next guy but their folk elements destroy every other band in the genre. Name a band with better tin whistle playing. Certainly not Aes Dana, Mael Mordha, or Waylander.

Spirit had plenty of tracks free of melo death anyway, the ones on the myspace aren't good choices.
In other news, apparently Toronto had the pleasure of seeing Eluveifaggity replaced by the almighty Gwynbleidd. Considering everyone in attendance paid to see folk metal N-Flaymez, they went over about as well as foreskin at a briss.

It was in Montreal.. in front of some 1600 people:

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I was right up front until before Turisas, when I was probably about 5 feet to your right on the balcony and didn't see you for some reason. For Ensiferum I went back down, but i was much farther back. I've had "Iron" since it came out, and haven't really listened to it much since then. I think it's a style of folk metal that I've never really been able to get into. Plus I thought every song sounded the same. And synthesized horns really bug me.
One More Magic Potion
Lai Lai Hei
Guardians Of Fate
Token Of Time
Victory Song
Blood Is The Price Of Glory
Treacherous Gods
Battle Song
That's a pretty fucking good setlist. Tale of Revenge does seem rather obligatory, surprised they didn't play it. I could go for Hero in a Dream as well but I wasn't able to attend so whatever.
I look forward to your thoughts on the show.

Cross post from RC (with some director's cut dialogue for HC throw in)

We reached the venue around 6ish, where we stopped at the Rock Bottom bistro for some classically prepared culinary delights and potations of the utmost fermented variety. After half a dozen rounds we voyaged on over to the posh venue where we were surrounded by brave emo warriors decked out in battle paint. :erk: The metal scene is turning in to a God damn characterization of cartoonish proportions. Please die, I beggeth of thee. Anyhow, we missed Suikoden, Shoduken, Dragon Punch, Suidakaka, or whatever the fuck their faggoth name is, and showed up just in time for Eluveitie. My first impression was that the hurdy gurdy player needed to femjack down my esophagus. Aside from her wonderous appearance, the music was the equivalent of having your door bell rung repeatedly while you sat helplessly on the shitter. Can someone please make this disingenuous Anders Friden fanboy toting the flute put a sock in it? Sadly, it appeared that 80% of the crowd were there to see the incarnation of folk In Flames. (No resemblance to Lunar Strain era :kickass: ) Downright ghastly, and mind you, this was six beers in. There's no martini strong enough that could make these 9 misfits sound soothing to these ears. Though, it's good to see that Slipknot finally decided to drop the masks.

Next up was Tyr. Considering this was the band that I paid money that I earned working with torpid titmouses to see, they left a little to be desired. A scant four song set, with two of the offerings being unknown selections from their forthcoming album. Still, they were a cleansing experience from the horrendous exposure of Eluveitie. That bitch really needs to femjack down my throat.

Anyhow, Turisas was the next band up on the plank, and thar she blew me out of the water faster than Jenna Jameson in a YMCA jacuzzi. As Turisas gallantly ravaged the foundation of the auditorium, I was desperately in search for my Xiphos knife, as I wanted to dispatch of the formation of Argive faggoths that noodle danced in my general vicinity. Oh how glorious would it have been, had they never existed at all. God damn myspace. Reverting away from my digressive ramblings, Turisas was a top notch act that brought the thunder of Ares to the table of Thanos. Yeaaaaaaaa nikkuh. :heh:

Last but not least were Ensiferum. A nice generous mix of songs from Iron that had me bobbing my head like Profanity at a bus stop. People with Asperger's syndrome are human beings God damn it! BTW The lead vocalist bares a striking resemblance to Hell Mike Motor Bike of Lethal (Swe) fame.

All in all it was a good night to be had. Didn't hold a candle to either Heathen Crusade though. The bar has been raised too high. :heh:
Cross post from RC (with some director's cut dialogue for HC throw in)

We reached the venue around 6ish, where we stopped at the Rock Bottom bistro for some classically prepared culinary delights and potations of the utmost fermented variety. After half a dozen rounds we voyaged on over to the posh venue where we were surrounded by brave emo warriors decked out in battle paint. :erk: The metal scene is turning in to a God damn characterization of cartoonish proportions. Please die, I beggeth of thee. Anyhow, we missed Suikoden, Shoduken, Dragon Punch, Suidakaka, or whatever the fuck their faggoth name is, and showed up just in time for Eluveitie. My first impression was that the hurdy gurdy player needed to femjack down my esophagus. Aside from her wonderous appearance, the music was the equivalent of having your door bell rung repeatedly while you sat helplessly on the shitter. Can someone please make this disingenuous Anders Friden fanboy toting the flute put a sock in it? Sadly, it appeared that 80% of the crowd were there to see the incarnation of folk In Flames. (No resemblance to Lunar Strain era :kickass: ) Downright ghastly, and mind you, this was six beers in. There's no martini strong enough that could make these 9 misfits sound soothing to these ears. Though, it's good to see that Slipknot finally decided to drop the masks.

Next up was Tyr. Considering this was the band that I paid money that I earned working with torpid titmouses to see, they left a little to be desired. A scant four song set, with two of the offerings being unknown selections from their forthcoming album. Still, they were a cleansing experience from the horrendous exposure of Eluveitie. That bitch really needs to femjack down my throat.

Anyhow, Turisas was the next band up on the plank, and thar she blew me out of the water faster than Jenna Jameson in a YMCA jacuzzi. As Turisas gallantly ravaged the foundation of the auditorium, I was desperately in search for my Xiphos knife, as I wanted to dispatch of the formation of Argive faggoths that noodle danced in my general vicinity. Oh how glorious would it have been, had they never existed at all. God damn myspace. Reverting away from my digressive ramblings, Turisas was a top notch act that brought the thunder of Ares to the table of Thanos. Yeaaaaaaaa nikkuh. :heh:

Last but not least were Ensiferum. A nice generous mix of songs from Iron that had me bobbing my head like Profanity at a bus stop. People with Asperger's syndrome are human beings God damn it! BTW The lead vocalist bares a striking resemblance to Hell Mike Motor Bike of Lethal (Swe) fame.

All in all it was a good night to be had. Didn't hold a candle to either Heathen Crusade though. The bar has been raised too high. :heh:

Thanks. I enjoyed the review. knew you wouldn't let me down. :kickass:
It's really interesting to see how negative this thread seems in general.. having only witnessed one show in Canada, I have to say I'm glad we happened to be part of it there. All the people who came out that night were super into just having a great time and enjoying a group of good bands. While the music these bands represent isn't exactly something I am interested in, I have to admit it worked GREAT in a live setting and there was absolutely no deying the talent of all these musicians. Superb sound and execution. The fans in Montreal made us feel great and there was no "standing around with hands in pockets bobbing my head because I'm too cool to let go" behavior. While some US metal show's I've seen have had a decent group of people really getting into the music, the crowd in Montreal was unanimous in just basically rocking out!

I can see why euro bands like to play in Canada, I sure as hell hope to go back.
It's really interesting to see how negative this thread seems in general.. having only witnessed one show in Canada, I have to say I'm glad we happened to be part of it there. All the people who came out that night were super into just having a great time and enjoying a group of good bands.

Bingo. That's it exactly. Whereas Reign in Acai (aka Mr. Obtuse Verbosity) likes to slam bands mercilessly, I simply know what I like and enjoy it fully. Pagan Fest was a great time. The bands had a blast. The fans had a blast. Whether or not it's "true folk metal" or "non-poseur" metal or whatever is beside the point. Who gives a shit? It's fun music -- not only to watch, but also to listen to.

This is why I think Heathen Crusade is going to absolutely rule. The bands are fun. Some are heavy and serious. Some are much lighter and obviously tongue-in-cheek. Even bands I didn't initially like (Ancient Rites, for example) I now totally dig. Why? I kept an open mind, bought their CDs, and listened often.

Pagan Fest is not a gathering of particle physicists, Nobel-Prize winners, heads of state, or Einstein relativists. It's a bunch of silly bands, often dressed in silly costumes, playing -- for the most part -- silly music.

And a good time was had by all.
Bingo. That's it exactly. Whereas Reign in Acai (aka Mr. Obtuse Verbosity) likes to slam bands mercilessly, I simply know what I like and enjoy it fully. Pagan Fest was a great time. The bands had a blast. The fans had a blast. Whether or not it's "true folk metal" or "non-poseur" metal or whatever is beside the point. Who gives a shit? It's fun music -- not only to watch, but also to listen to.

This is why I think Heathen Crusade is going to absolutely rule. The bands are fun. Some are heavy and serious. Some are much lighter and obviously tongue-in-cheek. Even bands I didn't initially like (Ancient Rites, for example) I now totally dig. Why? I kept an open mind, bought their CDs, and listened often.

Pagan Fest is not a gathering of particle physicists, Nobel-Prize winners, heads of state, or Einstein relativists. It's a bunch of silly bands, often dressed in silly costumes, playing -- for the most part -- silly music.

And a good time was had by all.

Heathen is like a 2 day Paganfest only way better and a deeper variety of bands. That's the best way to describe it.
Pagan Fest is not a gathering of particle physicists, Nobel-Prize winners, heads of state, or Einstein relativists. It's a bunch of silly bands, often dressed in silly costumes, playing -- for the most part -- silly music.

Actually I would like to think that the music I listen to goes a little bit deeper than mindless tunes to swill beer to. If you're totally content in listening to insincere scene clinging garbage like Eluvushitty, then that's your prerogative. Heathen Crusade has been the stage for bands such as Primordial, Novembers Doom, Todesbonden, Mael Mordha, Obtest, and so forth. None of which I consider acts playing silly mindless music to sedate the masses. Nemtheanga in his last blog pointed out that he firmly believes that his music is indeed art and not entertainment. You may disagree with this, seeing as though you're perfectly content dancing a jig to a busty hurdy gurdy player who with every crank of the elbow, sees another dollar flash before her very eyes. But I for one, am rather selective of the bands in which I donate my valuable time and monies towards.

Music is the sincerest of art forms, don't cheapen it sir.