Elvenking New Single

I like the new song. Seems to be a perfect follow-up to Two Tragedy...

Elvenking was one of my favorite bands way back when I first heard Heathenreel. It was my first exposure to that "kind" of music.

Out came Wyrd and I wasn't that impressed, more disappointed because of Damna's leaving.

I was excited for the Winter Wake, but just didn't get into it when it came out.

In the meantime, I started listening to Wyrd more and more and really fell in love with it. I think it is their best written album and I absolutely love the composition of the songs. I think it's the natural progression from Heathenreel, as if they basically perfected the style and sound from that album and Wyrd was perfection. I think it stands as their strongest album and I genuinely enjoy Klein's vocals.

I eventually got the Scythe and while listening to that started listening to WW again. Really started to enjoy WW and thought the Scythe was pretty wild for them, but I missed the folk.

Along came Two Tragedy Poets... and I gobbled that right up. That album was Elvenking in spirit. And I think it was a perfect return to their folk roots.

So I see Elvenking in pairs:

Heathenreel and Wyrd - The start and the perfection of that Elvenking sound
TWW and The Scythe - Progression and experimentation into the "harder" side
Two Tragedy Poets... and (insert new album here) - back to the lighter, funner roots, but more poppy, yes more commercial, but more enjoyable in the vein of the first two albums

Just my $0.02
Here's the artwork for the new album, entitled Red Silent Tides:

*naysayer post*

Which is odd because they're the sort of band that I *should* probably be into, but for whatever reason it just rubs me the wrong way. They did put on a fantastic live show at PP IX though, FWIW.