EMG 81-x and 85-x experiences?

Hmm, I totally forgot about these myself. I want to put an EMG set in my Explorer to bring teh toanz but now I'm unsure of what to get lolz.

James: What Explorer do you have, btw? I've seen you mention it before, and in your sig, and I keep meaning to ask but I always forget. Pics? :) I'm an Explorer whore.

Its a LTD EX-351, which came with HZ pups but I swapped them out for the ZW set years ago. Really good guitar, I don't like the pointy ESP shape nearly as much as the original but meh!

Another "fundraising" thread would be in order, maybe? :)

Hahaha, dunno if I could convince people for this one, but perhaps... :D

I heard they sound less "active", slightly less compressed sounding and with not as much "high mid spike" as the normal EMG's. Plus slightly lower output as Rex mentioned.

I found the upper mid spike was substantially lessened (that's what really contributes to the sterile sound IMO, though the compression too of course) with the 18v mod, so that'd be accurate with EMG's description - but they run at 9v, right? I dunno, I'm so happy with the 81 @ 18v, I'm curious enough to want to hear one, but not enough to buy one, and that's a very comforting feeling! (that I've found a pickup config. I adore so much I mean :D)
James: I agree with you on the pointy design ESP has switched to, good 'ol Gibson suing for anything possible! :lol: No biggie though. I actually have been lusting for a lawsuit ESP Explorer, or one of the Edwards ones that are currently in production yummmm.
Yeah there is an Edwards on Ebay at the moment but I read a few reviews which stated they have NOTHING on Gibson or ESP sound wise, so that kinda put me off :\ I thought Edwards was ESP in Japan anyway :s
Nah, they're between LTD and ESP apparently, so I'd imagine they're pretty good! But you don't need another guitar James :D (at least not more than new monitors, room treatment, and a Recto cab :heh: )
Yeah there is an Edwards on Ebay at the moment but I read a few reviews which stated they have NOTHING on Gibson or ESP sound wise, so that kinda put me off : I thought Edwards was ESP in Japan anyway :s

I own an ESP Horizon NT-II and an Edwards E-FR-120GT ( now 130GT ). The Edwards sounds and plays every bit as good as the Horizon. The ESP has better fit and finish, but the tone/playability/feel is the same. They both stack up to guitars that cost MUCH more, and IMO are better than USA Jacksons, Caparisons, USA Fender... from personal experience.


Doh should have read! Thought you were talking about a Les Paul... The Edwards Explorers indeed appear to be a step below the other Edwards guitars. However, most of people doing the comparing are comparing them to ESP MX-250II... which are a $2000+ guitar.
Well damn, now I dunno about the Edwards... I think I'd rather spend a bit more and get Stinnett to build my dream Explorer :grin:

Ok, sorry to semi-derail the thread, back on topic!
Apparently none.

I'm just about to pull the trigger and get them for my warmoth.But i havent got non-X ones to record and compare:erk:
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I'm wondering if anyone's got any experience so far.

I'm thinking of dropping some actives on my Ibanez and am thinking about the EMG 81, 85, and Duncan Blackout Bridge for its bridge position. So far, I'm leaning towards the BO, but maybe the 81-X and 85-X have something cool to offer.
Im getting an 85-X and a 60-X installed in my poplar bodied Parker Fly Deluxe soon. Ill try and get a clip for you guys if time allows it lol
I have a theory on the Blackouts (and by extension, probably the EMG X-series, though not necessarily of course) - I've heard that their design negates the effect of running them at 18v (my own tests showed otherwise, but the difference was more subtle than with the EMG 81 and 85), and I too noticed my Blackout Bridge was way hotter than the EMG's (as the 81-X seems to be), so my guess is that both the BO's (very fitting acronym :heh: ) and EMG X's use stronger magnets and weaker internal preamps, thus the higher output, more "organic, passive" (AKA loose and gritty IMO, at least with the BO bridge :goggly: ) tone, and lack of benefit in going to 18v (since the magnets are hotter, the internal preamps in the pickups don't have to amplify the signal as much, and thus not as much potential for exceeding their headroom when running at 9v).

This could be totally off, but it is, as Mr. Spock would say, a theory that happens to fit the facts anyway!
That definitely sounds reasonable for the BO's, Marcus.

*EDIT*On the topic, found some stuff regarding EMG X's vs. EMG's @18V. This is from some dude at the EMG forum who apparently works for EMG or something:

With the standard actives going to 18v means more headroom. Not nearly as noticeable with the X's, they were designed specifically to have 2 - 3x the amount of headroom as the standards.

Increased transient response, lower output impedance, true tone controls.

If you were to A/B them both you'd notice even more headroom in the X's than a standard on 18v., giving the X's a more vibrant feel. The increased transients are noticeable as well, and the amount of range on the tone control is incredible. After spending some time with the Active Tone pot you'll find standard ones have a much narrower scope.

It really comes down to more amplitude with the X's -- A standard EMG with an 18v mod is still clipping, just at a higher range than the 9v., while the X's maintain a true waveform.