EMG 81-x and 85-x experiences?

81X also have clipping :)
Also I noticed that position close as possible to strings does not sound very good.
Maybe due to stronger magnet.
Hey, so I went ahead and did a comparison between the 60x/81x and the regular 60/81.

All signals are DI with no processing
Guitar: ESP Eclipse II
Tuning: C-Standard
Strings: DR Hi-Beam Nickel Plated 13-56

EMG 60(N):
EMG 60x(N):

EMG 60(N)/81(B):
EMG 60x(N)/81x(B):

EMG 81(B):
EMG 81x(B):

Cheers! :kickass:

EDIT: Here's a screen shot of the signals. Original EMGs are to the left, x-series are to the right. Top one is the 60 + 60x comparison, middle is 60/81 + 60x/81x comparison, last is the 81 + 81x comparison

Thanks a lot for that, NAO C14!

81 seems to be brighter and more saturated-sounding... also seems to be clipping within the pickup's preamp a lot more.
Thanks a lot for that, NAO C14!

81 seems to be brighter and more saturated-sounding... also seems to be clipping within the pickup's preamp a lot more.

Yeah, definitely. I think the 81x's still have the brightness in them, but now there's more bass response.

Also, I edited my post and posted a screen shot of the signals so you can see that the 81 is clipping way more than the 81x
hey man.. havent seen it yet.. thanks for the comparison..
ps: you seem to have uploaded the private link to your dropbox for the screenshot..
Alrighties. I, by no means, am good at achieving great tone, but something's better than nothing.

FX Chain: Greener (Revalver's version of a tube screamer),
Revalver's 5150 on the crunch channel,
and Space Designer with S-preshigh loaded in from our very own Catharsis.

Of course, if someone could reamp these with the real stuff, that'd be super sick, but for now;

EMG 60(N):
EMG 60x(N):

EMG 60(N)/81(B):
EMG 60x(N)/81x(B):

EMG 81(B):
EMG 81x(B):
Thanks for samples, NAO C14.
Of course 24 bit DIs and absence of preamp clipping would be better, EMGs have slightly another clipping character, not such flat tops as with digital clipping.
Alrighties. I, by no means, am good at achieving great tone, but something's better than nothing.

FX Chain: Greener (Revalver's version of a tube screamer),
Revalver's 5150 on the crunch channel,
and Space Designer with S-preshigh loaded in from our very own Catharsis.

Of course, if someone could reamp these with the real stuff, that'd be super sick, but for now;

EMG 60(N):
EMG 60x(N):

EMG 60(N)/81(B):
EMG 60x(N)/81x(B):

EMG 81(B):
EMG 81x(B):

I actually like the regular 81 better in those clips. It seems to have a little more bite, and sounding a bit brighter.