EMG Solderless Conversion Kits


Jan 10, 2005
I ordered one of these kits this morning and it's coming via UPS in a few days :headbang:

They are $25 for the 2-pickup kit and $29 for the 3-pickup kit. The one I ordered (2 pickup kit) comes with 2 vol, 1 tone, input jack, some wires and the board everything hooks up to. I called GC and the guy had no clue what I was talking about (OMGEE SURPRIZES!!1) so I ordered directly from EMG. Take note, though, that it's not listed on their website at all, you have to call them or find an EMG retailer that knows wtf you are talking about. Anybody wanting an extremely easy way to get EMGs in their passive wired guitar with no worries about soldering at ALL should definitely look into one. Here is a couple of pics from another person in the interwebz that got one for their LP:

The kit, his is missing a pot in this picture though:

The board where everything hooks up:

Installed in a LP:

Can't wait to install this shiz :)
You must be shitting me:OMG:

I was waiting so long for this cause my pots for the EMG X's are broken.

How did you ordered them from EMG if its not listed?
I mean did they send you a bank account,paypal or something like that???
Btw, do you know what the 3 pickup package includes?
I actually remember you asking about the pots before in another thread. Just call them at the number listed on their contact page at www.emginc.com and tell them what you need. I just called and asked if the solderless conversion kit is available to order, even though it's not listed. He said they are, just not on the site. I paid over the phone with my Visa and it's coming UPS.

Actually I didn't ask what the 3-pickup kit includes since he mentioned and explained the 2-pickup kit first and it's exactly what I needed.
No it does not, there are leads with connections on them (not quick connect) that go to the input jack. This is a 100% solderless system, I love it :)
This depends on what kind of output jack you need. The one that's included in the kit does not need soldering. I replaced the stock PU's in my Caparison with solderless EMG's, but because of the special output jack on my guitar, it needed some soldering. This goes for the switch as well. If you have a switch with cables already soldered to it, then it's easy to fasten them to the board.
I wonder why they're keeping this sort of stuff so 'under the table'... I'm very interested but it definitely looks a bit too hard to get your hands on a kit.
This depends on what kind of output jack you need. The one that's included in the kit does not need soldering. I replaced the stock PU's in my Caparison with solderless EMG's, but because of the special output jack on my guitar, it needed some soldering. This goes for the switch as well. If you have a switch with cables already soldered to it, then it's easy to fasten them to the board.

Yes... if you have a barrel-type jack, sure, it's different. The reason they include that standard style jack with the kit is because it's standard... so for 98% of all other guitars in the world, this kit works fine.

I wonder why they're keeping this sort of stuff so 'under the table'... I'm very interested but it definitely looks a bit too hard to get your hands on a kit.

It's not being kept a secret or anything, several reputable magazines and websites have talked about it and EMG announced the system being included with their pre-wired pickgaurds for Strats quite a long time ago. They just haven't updated the website is all. You can easily call and order it, like I did.
so this is pretty much retard friendly then? I've been wanting to throw EMGs in one of my guitars but I'm not looking forward to having to replace almost all of the electronics, I was thinking of having a tech do it for me but......
I actually remember you asking about the pots before in another thread. Just call them at the number listed on their contact page at www.emginc.com and tell them what you need. I just called and asked if the solderless conversion kit is available to order, even though it's not listed. He said they are, just not on the site. I paid over the phone with my Visa and it's coming UPS.

Actually I didn't ask what the 3-pickup kit includes since he mentioned and explained the 2-pickup kit first and it's exactly what I needed.

Will do mate:)

Thanks for the info.:):):)

Btw the only soldering i did was on the 3 toggle switch.
Ok, resurrecting this thread because the kit came in today, fuckin can't wait to put this in. So here's a couple of pics in case anybody cares:



Here is everything in the kit. Lots of wires, 2 volume pots, 2 passive tone pots, input jack, battery clip, quick connect leads for two pickups, etc. and the board where everything connects together. Also has diagrams and such included.

Two minutes after opening it up here it is ready to go just going by the picture in the diagram.

I decided to do two volumes, leaving out tone controls. This is another reason to get this kit, it allows you to try really any control combination imaginable.
wow. This really makes me want to swap back to EMGs in my carvin. I hate soldering so much. Definately burnt myself a couple too many times in the search for tone. One time on my pinky finger of my left hand:cry:, not cool. Much thanks to EMG for this I knew there had to be a reason I couldn't bare to part with my 85/60 set even after I installed some seymour duncans.

That kit looks awesome by the way. I'm surprised you can do so many wiring configurations thats pretty fucking awesome. Do you find that there is a lot of slack when your done though with the non trimming of excess wire or is it pretty tidy?
