SD blackouts with emg quick connect HELP!


New Metal Member
Feb 2, 2014
I'm looking for abit of help here. I've wired up my Gibson SG with my blackouts using the EMG solderless kit, and it's been trouble all around.

I've already wired my other guitar with EMG's using their solderless kit and haven't had problems. So I'm starting to think something specific with the bus board or solder contacts on the switch might be faulty. Sorry for the long thread! But any help would be appreciated.

Take #1: I've wired everything as per the EMG solderless kit diagram that came with the kit and everything seemed fine at first. Plugged in the guitar and everything sounded fine.. UNTIL about 2 minutes of playing the sound would start cutting in and out and eventually just settled to sounding thin(no more distortion), in addition to getting this overwhelming hiss (like white noise) building up gradually on the bridge pickup.

Take #2: So I went back and overlooked all my connections. Even though everything looked fine, I unplugged and replugged a few of the interconnect cables to make sure they were properly connected. Tried the guitar again, and the same thing happened. It sounds fine for the very first minute or two, and then craps out.

Take #3: I noticed something weird with the bridge tone pot when playing so I decide to unplug everything and rewire using the 2volume/1tone configuration. I tried each tone pot one after the other and the same thing happened.

Take #4: I gutted the whole cavity again! I take the 3way toggle switch and unsolder the ground and output and clean up the tabs as well as I can. I resolder the two wires back in place. Here we go again.. I go ahead and rewire the whole cavity with the quick connect kit. I even try a new fresh battery.
Result; everything is great! Here I am jamming with my new pups having a blast, when all of a sudden 10 minutes in... the poop hits the fan...again!
Started with that "white noise" hiss building up on the bridge pickup(eventually on neckpickup too). And then sound cutting in and out on both pups. Then the sound settles to what seems to be tone fully rolled off, and the volume rolled off to barely 1/10. Sounds thin and without any gain/distortion.

I don't know what to try at this point.. Any ideas as to what could be wrong? I can take a pic of the cavity if it can help...

Thanks guys!
I've gone ahead and bypassed the three way switch altogether and the bus board.

Testing one pickup at a time using one volume / one tone. And then again using just the volume pot. Each time going straight to the 1/4inch jack.

The result is the same all the time: a growing hiss (pink noise) that slowly overpowers the guitar.

I've checked the original Duncan quick connect cable as well as the EMG one. Each has the same red/black/white cable in the same order. Each going to the same respective place; red-power terminal, white-hot, black-ground. I've tried switching the hot/ground at both the pot and the 1/4" jack.. Which cuts out all sound.

I don't know what more to try at this point....
Another update!

I've gone even further. Using the long shaft pots that the blackouts were originally installed with (in a les Paul). I've gone the ol' fashion way and soldered everything in!

Yet... The same problem occurs;

Slow increasing hiss (like white noise) slowly bulding up. And then loss of gain/tone.... With intermittent sound.

So with either the EMG quick connect.. Or with the supplied Duncan pots, something is wrong!!!

What could cause this?
I thought maybe the battery was failing, but I've tried numerous fresh batteries (unless the're past due!!??)

Could the past tech have fried the pickups when uninstalling them?!?!?

I'm at lost here!