Emmure, Blind Witness, The Ghost Inside


Nov 1, 2009
So I'm trying to become a better engineer by developing my ears.
However, I'm not a guitarist and have never played, so this makes identifying guitar tones pretty difficult.

With that being said...

Does anyone know what guitar setup was used for Emmure's "Goodbye To The Gallows" album?

I was also curious about Blind Witness's new album, also. This is a really fucking good album, but the guitars almost sound "amp sim-ish"? Amazing production.

Next, does anyone know the guitar setup used for The Ghost Inside's "Fury And The Fallen Ones" album?

These are just 3 pretty different guitar tones that I actually like, so if anyone could help me out, I'll buy you a beer! :kickass:

Thanks dudes!
Goodbye to the Gallows was Krankenstein thru Krank cab (not sure on the cab, but it was def a krankenstein). Straight from Zeuss himself..
castle ultimate doenst use ampsims.
On all studio pics from their site you see 5150, 6505, mesas, fireball.....
sometimes with an royer infront, sometimes with sm57.....

So I would say that the ghost inside uses a real amp.
Would say tubescreamer-6505
Sorry for bump this thread, but anyone have details of the production, on the latest Blind Witness album?
I think it sounds really really tight!

5150 III + subdrops + MAX LOUD preset...

Seriously, I don't know. It sure as hell ain't the best sounding metalcore album around. The tightness is due to massive drum editing if that's what you're asking.
Wow...I was almost convinced that guitar tone was PodFarm.
I know the tightness has a lot to do with the extreme editing, but the drum samples sounds great and the overall mix sounds pure win Imho, and believe me pal...i'm not another "give me your pod presetz and slate drumz patch please" kinda guy.