Emmure - Speaker of the Dead

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
Hey Joey, I realy like the dubstep parts you build in the album.
Just wanted to ask what did you use to create them?
Is this some NI stuff or did you build the effects by yourself?

great sounding album (lyrics are beyond retarted ;) )
In my opinion, there is only one dub step "sound" (not really even a dub step part) in one of the songs, and that was literally imported from the band's logic demo of the song. I asked them how they got it and they told me they stole it from a website.

The electronic elements scattered throughout the disc are either guitars heavily processed, or omnisphere.
hello everyone..i've recently purchased some samples from joey store.. i like truth joey sturgis custom snare sound and the detunes series toms... got also truth black & gold...i'm still searching for a kick that sound similar to newest emmure album 'cause i'm recording some Drop A bands and i want to make my sound similar.. anyone? joey? Luca from italy..
I'm fairly sure it's Kick 10.

I find that kick 10 is a bit plastic to me. The bottom end is beautiful but the click doesn't please my ears. Kick 1 is cool though. I like my kicks big, wet and heavy.
Not to beat a dead horse, but I'm curious as well.

I've been playing around with Kick 10 for months, and cannot for the life of me figure out how Joey gets this huge low end on his kicks, but keeps them super punchy and tight.

The 'Zombie EP' is a really good example of this. LOVE that kick. WANTWANTWANT.
But I cannot seem to get the same effect as so many others seem to be able to do.
Tried high passing to get rid of the sub lows, but even still I only coax a flappy, loose kick thud.

Clippers, Limiters, Compressors, EQ...
Tried them too.


Must be doing it wrong.

If anyone has any tips...