Emoticons are the SCUM of the EARTH.

Originally posted by rahvin
i think having a rapper as a guest vocalist could be really interesting.

My sentiments exactly. But not them, nooooooooo, you don´t even joke about that to OUIFf-ers. Even if you say it´s a joke, they won´t get it; even if you put a 5-sentence disclaimer in the post saying it´s a joke, they´ll take it seriously.
sometimes there might be a fine line between getting a joke and feeling hurt because you think someone might be mocking you. i suppose you didn't add any emoticon to that disclaimer anyway, u[sic]m? :p

Well, like I said, emoticons and smilies are a pain in the ass. I put the disclaimer up so that I wouldn´t need to use sissy emoticons (no offense to those who do, though). But do you think that they would have half a brain to read the thing AND understand it? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit no. Leave it to them to go totally apeshit over something like that, which wasn´t even offensive.

You can count on an eye-witness statement and report on the whole friggin´ chain of events sometime in the future where all questions shall be quenched like someone who tells a joke about In Flames at an In Flames-forum.
Originally posted by wildfyr
it might not be a bad idea. they should try to get Bonz! (Stuck Mojo)

see? we're on the same wavelength. too bad it only happens with ppl overseas, or that i never met before.

sorry, i'm just kind of suicidal at the moment.

Originally posted by U[Sic]M
Steve-o-four-o-twenty-o: You think you´re really funny, huh? Like, hilarious and such? What if someone would come and write something reeeaaally horrible and terrible on your forum, like, say, jokingly claim that your faaavorite band in the whoooole universe (the Internet to you) were to gang up with a rapper for their next album. Oh yeah, I´ve already done that. AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAHAHA.:lol::lol::lol: Now, THAT was funny!

That entire incident had nothiing to do with me. I wasn't around for most of it. The whole thing was entirely Episode666 being a bitch.

edit: now misquoted in Episode666's signature!
Hehe, Sic said "69". :p

Smilies are alright. I've always loved the :burn (pig one) to use when someone got dissed. They should have that here just in case... :grin:

I wonder what happened at the IF forum as well. :confused:
Originally posted by Steve420
That entire incident had nothiing to do with me. It was entirely Episode666 being a bitch.
Yeah. I defended [sic] and got his membership reinstated after you voted to ban him. *You* got him riled, called him a "retard", then wanted him removed from HMAS after he retaliated to your comments.

Oh yeah, and you were stripped of your moderator status for it. I cheerfully took your place afterwards.

Yeah. I'm *such* a super kaya-maya beyyotch. *whipcrack!*
@wildfyr: it's the one on hmas.org, if i'm not mistaken.

i'm all for hearing all sides of the story myself, but please consider the option of using this - a different board - for a fresh start. :)

Okay, just to clear things up, when referring to OUIFf (the Official Unofficial In Flames-forum) one is referring to the new by-In-Flames-unsupported forum, not the old. This is quite obvious, I think.

As promised, I will, in a near future give all of you an in-depth report of what actually transpired. Of, course, written so elegantly and truthfully that noone - not even certain OUIFf-ers - will be able to question its validity.
i love this forum :grin: i've found friends,support,understanding,a warm nest,fun and most probably 2 future clients :muahaha:
for whom the bell tolls :rolleyes:

~mel~ (isn't it soothing when we look around us and by what we see we reach the conclusion that we are actually more sane/mature/whatever than what we think? :p )

P.S.1:i'm in a slightly pleasantly evil mood
P.S.2:this post is actually not irrelative to the contents of this thread,although it may seem so :grin:
U[Sic[M] the smiley your searching for then is this one

now i prefer to read a studity that made laugh and instead of saying "hehehehe" or the slightly and more evilishly spanish "jijijijiji" i would put

so you all can go
that I will
and probably after i will go to the
before I go to

well...not that anybody cares though

fathervic (
Originally posted by FatherVic
U[Sic[M] the smiley your searching for then is this one

now i prefer to read a studity that made laugh and instead of saying "hehehehe" or the slightly and more evilishly spanish "jijijijiji" i would put

so you all can go
that I will
and probably after i will go to the
before I go to

well...not that anybody cares though

fathervic (
:lol: :lol: :spin: