That's what I'm talking about, this song is very powerful. Goodjob you guys I'm looking forward to the rest.

Good friday indeed

The clean vocals are seriously some of Paul's best!

That drumming is sick! Joe was great, but Sasha is making more use of the full kit. I love the constant cymbal hits.

I dig the guitar riff that leads to the outro. Reminds me of Puppets era Metallica, for some reason.

This is a good representation of all of what ND has to offer.

Well done! (as usual)
Sweet stuff guys, sounding very fresh.

I agree about the clean vox they sound very smooth and more organic than before.

love the little proggy sounding acoustic bit aswell.
Wow I <3 you guys.

Sounds very "full" or "huge". You have a very huge sound going on :)

The intro was interesting to say the least, you never brought it back.

Another thing is I actually kind of liked how sparse the tiny acoustic section was.

Overall, perfect blend of pale haunt's melodic senses and novella's heaviness, yet it sounds different enough to be an evolution of sorts. I like where you guys are going. Can't wait to hear the rest, nicely done.
Wow... had this song been on the previous disc, it would have been the best song on the disc. While I quite enjoyed the last disc, at best, it felt like a step sideways from The Pale Haunt Departure. This song feels like a step forward, on all fronts. The production is huge, the vocals and guitar work are amazing, and the atmosphere is fantastic. Congrats.

I'll add my 0.02 and say this is incredible! Not that any of us expected it NOT to rule lol. Awesome work all around, and yes Paul, when you said this album might be your strongest vocal work..you may be right. Sooo stoked to get the new CD.
Badass! Love the verse riff/rhythm/groove!

Absolutely agree on the quality of all of the vocals. Paul sounds absolutely demonic with the verses and the cleans are very full and haunting.

Drumming is definitely off the hook. Great job guys!