im away on holiday to istanbul, come back and see this. prime stuff! sounds really heavy for a ND track! a new heavy, that is, not doom-heavy. very dynamic. the drumming is great. i love the breakdown at 2:53 and the way the song catches up again at 3:58. great job guys!
In listening more closely, this Sasha cat is really an excellent drummer. Certainly, not taking anything away from Joe Nunez, but Sasha plays with more creativity. The foundation or the bottom end of this song stands out for me.
Thanks everyone for your comments. This is a good representation of the CD. It sits somewhere in the middle. There's heavier, and lighter, and more in between. We're looking forward to full CD reactions. Hopefully a local listening party very soon!

Sorry Tom, I killed your last post. We're keeping this thread 100% on topic.
Is saying no offense taken on topic if Paul introduces it as a topic?

I liked the song.
amazing song guys, any chance of me getting some tabs? (while your at it can I get the novela resivior?)

The clean vocals are seriously some of Paul's best!

That drumming is sick! Joe was great, but Sasha is making more use of the full kit. I love the constant cymbal hits.

I dig the guitar riff that leads to the outro. Reminds me of Puppets era Metallica, for some reason.

This is a good representation of all of what ND has to offer.

Well done! (as usual)

Whew! Finally made it. Thanks for your kind words, sir.