Emperor/Ihsahn interview

Under The Oak

Ens Causa Sui
Jul 9, 2003
Austin, TX
Hey, guys, I just got a recent interview with Ihsahn up at my website - http://www.guitar6.com - has he released any further info on this solo project of his yet?

Also, I'm working on Guitar6 t-shirts, and I could use some feedback from you guys. What kind of shirts for websites would you buy? It will definitely have a sweet guitar on it, as well as the Guitar6 logo, but what else could it use? I'm talking with model Suzi Lorraine about doing a photoshoot with the shirt after I produce it, but do you think I should put a nice pic of her with a guitar on the backside of the shirt or something? Here's her website:

I think for the T-shirts, simpler is better. A sick assed guitar maybe vertically and "Guitar6.com" horizontally across the top for the back, and on the front, maybe just a "Guitar6.com" over the left breast of the shirt...

That's my 2 cents, and I'd buy one...
Thanks for the complements. Ihsahn said he'd like to keep it short, and I got more out of him than I did from Joe Satriani, haha. About the t-shirts, what do you think of the guitar in the image in my sig? I think that one's pretty badass, but are there any other candidates? I think the BC Rich Ironbird is pretty metal too.
Yeah good interviews, they are short and sweet and get to the point. You also seem to refrain from the annoying fanboy worship of so many interviewers.
I'm only dissapointed that I couldn't get him to really name some of his favorite bands, I've always wondered what inspires Ihsahn the most. Also, I would've liked it more if he had elaborated on his thoughts about the whole black metal ideology, but you take you what you can get I guess.