karpsmom said:haha, fucking Gorgoroth, they NEVER come to the USA. I wonder if Satyricon will ever be back after the rape charges put again their tour guitarists last tour. I missed them because of that shit since the tour ended early.
I heard recently that Frost has been cleared to enter the US after being banned for a while, and Satyr said in interviews that he will be touring America as soon as possibe. Satyricon were here not too long ago with Slipknots drummer Joey Jordison, but when and if they come on tour here soon, they will probably have a new guitarist. I personaly would like to see Satyr play guitar on stage live, but he never does... probably so he can concentrate on the vocals 100%.
I would love to see Gorgoroth live, they have insane shows with crucifixions and lots of bloody cut up animal heads... cool stuff.
Alteredmindeath said:I would love to see Gorgoroth live, they have insane shows with crucifixions and lots of bloody cut up animal heads... cool stuff.
Alteredmindeath said:I would love to see Gorgoroth live, they have insane shows with crucifixions and lots of bloody cut up animal heads... cool stuff.
thanks for answering. im gona try and make it. i have work from 930 - 330 and dont get home till about 430. ill see if someone can pick me up from camp so i can head over to the placelucifer1126 said:yes, there's a signing session at tower records on sunset at 6pm monday
The show started earlier than I expected, at around 7:15. Emperor (finally) came on stage at around 9:30-9:45. They played until shortly before 11pm because there was a show after the Emperor show (what kind of blasphemy is that?!).lucifer1126 said:oh yea, for those who went to the NY shows. What time did Emperor start? and around when did they end?
Vargrim said:i think they had the crucifixion and stuff only for the dvd recording. when i saw them live in slovenia i thought they are going to have dead gotas and crap but they didn't. they just went on the stage, played songs and went of the stage. no communication with public or any encore... and gaahl is very funny with his true kvlt black metal posing on the stage. no matter how true they are, they suck at playing live.