

Moonclad Reflection
Dec 19, 2001
Buffalo , NY
Iam hearing rumors all over the place , and people are saying they are 100% sure.... That Emperor is back????

Iam very curious if this is true , i have looked all over in mags , on the net , and cant seem to get any info on this??
Originally posted by phyre
I think it's great they quit with SOME musical integrity and honour left, unlike some other bands *COUGH*INFLAMES*COUGH*.


They left IMHO the best Black Metal Band that has ever played Black Metal.
BTW if any of you know where they have went to , like different projects and such PM me or simply reply to this message.

I know where IHSAHN Went but what i really want to know where TRYM and SAMOTH went.
OMG, Sad dude, how can u be so single-minded? Who ever compares Dissection and Zyklon? LOL!

About Emperor: they finished with their live concerts in 1999 and with studio activity in 2001, meanwhile beginning to aid other projects. Unfortunately, my drunken mind can't remember what was that project of Isahn and his wife called... But i remember that some of Emperor guys went to Zyklon, together with Daemon of Limbonic art and somebody from Myrskog, don't remember... Zyklon is very brutal, for those who want the continuation of "Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk" i can recommend Sirius - a band from Portugal, although Emperor takes secondary role in the project, it sounds just as 2001 Emperor should sound - complicated, complex music and advanced, original lyrics. I suggest that u listen to "Spectral Transition - Dimension Sirius" - an album which went out in 2001. It is their last for today. Sirius is the ideal of advanced black metal for me now, like Emperor were in 1997. There are also some projects featuring Emperor, but I can't remember, sry... Anyway they are very advanced guys and much of my respect goes to them :)))
Originally posted by Deviant Mind
OMG, Sad dude, how can u be so single-minded? Who ever compares Dissection and Zyklon? LOL!

Well it comes quite naturally. YOu can't compare the two cause it is way too obvious, who is more original. But thanks for the compliment. I was acctually referring to Emperor. I thought someone said Emperor were the best black metal band ever.
I mean I just don't see how that conclusion could be made. Considering it was only Emperor latest album that was a real masterpiece. Anthems is pretty overated, I think. The mixing job isn't terrible but far from decent. Id like to hear the bass well the guitar would be nice too! But who expects the bass to be heard in this kind of stuff... All high high end. The drummings good of course. But the keyboards are wickid cool and higher in the mix probably cause they are the only thing worth a damn. I enjoyed Prometheus but anything before that didn't do anything for me. I will give Trym his credit though. That guys kills.
I could go and make fun of them. But I won't I just think its over-rated and dissection is under-rated.
I dont get people sometimes. I despise 90% of all black metal yet prometheus is one of my favorite albums ever, yet i see every black metal fan out there flaming it beyond recognition. Its just a damn asome album whenever they left behind their old style or not, that same hatred for emperor i see in some of is rather less or non existant when you take a band like DT and projector for example, otherwise you guys wouldnt even post here to begin with.
Originally posted by Smekermann

And Misanthrope: you don't liek black metal? lol. ur dumb. BUT I GUESS THAT'S NO NEWS TO YOU!!!

usually, there are ways to hint at someone being somewhat left behind because he/she said something we don't agree with without exactly being so rude. this is an example. but i guess that's no news to you. :)

Originally posted by phyre
OMG. I really flamed it, didn't I? The magic is gone, that's it. It's not a "bad" album. Can't argue magic. The magic existed only in the first few years of the Norwegian black metal movement.

Its not David Blaine, if you want magic get high and shut the fuck up. Leave us crazy maniacs who actually enjoy music without looking for crap is not there and that never was there to begin with alone.